Type 2 diabetes seems to be as terrible for adults as type 1 is for children.
Obesity and diabetes go together like so many have believed for years.
Being over your ideal body weight seems to increase the onset of this terrible disease.
Bariatric surgery is indeed becoming a solution that many are looking for.
How can obesity (bariatric) surgery help in eliminating diabetes?
If obesity surgery can help turn the tide, then we need to use all the tools we can.
Education is very important and needs to be put in place to teach everyone about the terrible effects of obesity and diabetes.
If you want to live longer, learn to eat smart.
You will thank yourself.
Food for thought.
Obesity and diabetes go together like so many have believed for years.
Being over your ideal body weight seems to increase the onset of this terrible disease.
Bariatric surgery is indeed becoming a solution that many are looking for.
How can obesity (bariatric) surgery help in eliminating diabetes?
- Medical research seems to show that surgery to control obesity can help reverse the terrible epidemic of diabetes.
Weight loss is one of many solutions that can help stop this disease right in it's track.
Millions of people suffer from diabetes all over the world.
What are we waiting for? People are dying everyday from all kinds of weight related diseases and what are we doing about it. - Bariatric surgery might not be a complete cure but most reports from around the world seem to agree that it stops the effects of diabetes almost immediately.
By limiting dangerous food combination to invade your stomach you are letting your body adjust.
Too many sugars and too much salt can be very harmful to your system. - Eating all the wrong foods is not any ones fault.
Humans love to eat.
Our behaviors have changed over the years, we know eat more for pleasure than any other reason.
Surgery is a means of stopping this flow of food and let you know that enough is enough.
Surgery is a wake up call.
It can be a second chance.
If obesity surgery can help turn the tide, then we need to use all the tools we can.
Education is very important and needs to be put in place to teach everyone about the terrible effects of obesity and diabetes.
If you want to live longer, learn to eat smart.
You will thank yourself.
Food for thought.