Health & Medical Lose Weight

Diet Pills and Six Pack Abs - Is This a Combination For Success

Diet pills and six pack abs are two things that go together.
Manufacturers of these products will have you believe that you can get a ripped, flat stomach in a short amount of time by purchasing their pills, but this is not the case.
Appetite suppressants which have had a lot of media exposure over the last few years are a great if you want to starve yourself and lower your metabolism, but they do nothing in your quest to get a toned body or a washboard stomach.
You need to eat enough food to keep your metabolic rate high, and to stop your body going into starvation mode.
Starvation mode is when your body starts storing fat when you're not eating enough.
A six pack is impossible to get if your body is continually storing the calories you eat as fat.
Also, you need to exercise when you're trying to get a flat stomach, and you can't exercise if you're not giving your body enough nutrition.
This is not only counter productive, and it can be dangerous to your health.
Fat burners are another type of diet pill that are completely useless in your quest for a flatter stomach.
Caffeine and a bunch of unheard of herbs are not going to raise your metabolism to the point where your body is continuously burning fat.
You raise your metabolic rate when you train with weights.
For your body to burn fat it needs to burn more energy.
This comes from resistance training that makes your muscles bigger so your body naturally burns more calories.
Fat burning doesn't come from a bottle of pills.
No supplement in the world will burn the fat on your body so you reveal a lovely set of six pack abs.
This comes from dedication, and a few intense workouts a week.
Diet and fat burning supplements will make your pocket slimmer than your waistline.
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