Is the ten pounds in three days diet possible? Can it be done? If so, is it healthy, and will the results last? These are questions you need to ask about any new fad diet or Hollywood recommended weight-loss program that you are considering.
The weight loss industry is a huge business in this country and in the same way that manufacturers bring out new products to replace old, new diets and weight-loss programs come out every day that promise to help you lose the weight you want in next to no time at all.
To give these products their due, often they do work.
The ten pounds in three days diet will usually help you lose ten pounds in three days.
However, in another three days, it will be back, and it will have brought company.
Short-term weight loss is often if not always just water weight loss with the ten pounds in three days diet.
As soon as you let your body go back to its average fluid level, the weight comes back.
This is the side of the ten pounds in three days diet that most ignore.
The longer you keep your body out of balance the better chance that it will break down and you will fall ill.
The ten pounds in three days diet will help you lose ten pounds.
If all you are interested in is a short term, temporary weight loss, this may be the diet for you.
However, if you are looking for a healthier, long-term solution, this is not the diet you are looking for.
The first component of a good weight loss plan is a reduction in the over all amount of food consumed and a regulation of the quality of that food.
Ten pounds in three days diet ignores this side of weight loss in favor of fast, temporary gains.
This is the critical component to losing weight.
This is why when you hire a personal trainer; the first thing they do is work on your diet.
The second key component of any diet that will provide lasting results is exercise.
You do not need to go out and run ten miles a day, but daily exercise is necessary to create any type of long-term health and weight improvement.
If any program you are looking at to lose weight, including the ten pounds in three days diet, does not include both balanced nutrition and exercise, the weight loss will be both temporary and unhealthy.
The weight loss industry is a huge business in this country and in the same way that manufacturers bring out new products to replace old, new diets and weight-loss programs come out every day that promise to help you lose the weight you want in next to no time at all.
To give these products their due, often they do work.
The ten pounds in three days diet will usually help you lose ten pounds in three days.
However, in another three days, it will be back, and it will have brought company.
Short-term weight loss is often if not always just water weight loss with the ten pounds in three days diet.
As soon as you let your body go back to its average fluid level, the weight comes back.
This is the side of the ten pounds in three days diet that most ignore.
The longer you keep your body out of balance the better chance that it will break down and you will fall ill.
The ten pounds in three days diet will help you lose ten pounds.
If all you are interested in is a short term, temporary weight loss, this may be the diet for you.
However, if you are looking for a healthier, long-term solution, this is not the diet you are looking for.
The first component of a good weight loss plan is a reduction in the over all amount of food consumed and a regulation of the quality of that food.
Ten pounds in three days diet ignores this side of weight loss in favor of fast, temporary gains.
This is the critical component to losing weight.
This is why when you hire a personal trainer; the first thing they do is work on your diet.
The second key component of any diet that will provide lasting results is exercise.
You do not need to go out and run ten miles a day, but daily exercise is necessary to create any type of long-term health and weight improvement.
If any program you are looking at to lose weight, including the ten pounds in three days diet, does not include both balanced nutrition and exercise, the weight loss will be both temporary and unhealthy.