Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" Book Review

Do you have enough money? What would you do if you had enough? What is enough anyway? Do you know how to be a steward of your resources? How do you think about money? Is money your friend? Or is money and evil lurking around every corner (coming from the belief that money is the root of all evils)? This article is about belief systems that hold us back, keeps us poor and controlled by debt.
Money is just energy.
As humans we have the right and responsibility to learn how to use money to our benefit and the benefit of others.
You can't be a good steward if you are afraid the thing of that which you are a steward.
In "Rich Dad Poor Dad" Robert T Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter, CPA explore what it is to work with money from the point of view of being rich and the rest of us.
That is the beauty of this book.
Twenty percent of the population makes eighty percent of the wealth.
That is the 80/20 rule.
If you are in the 80% making 20% of wealth, you may have judgments about that other group.
But have you walked in their shoes? Kiyosaki tells his story about growing up in a "regular" money household.
For most of us we go to school, get an education, get a job, earn money, and pay taxes and the bills.
Hopefully we save some money for the kids college and retirement.
The masses: some make and have a little money, some eke by and many rely on government entitlements to make it to the grave.
Kiyosaki also tells about his friend's dad who was "rich".
He knew how to work with money, play with money concepts, be with money and have money work for him.
Kiyosaki had the best of both worlds.
He could see where life would take him if he chose to be afraid of money.
He chose to learn about money.
This book is about his journey.
It is filled with stories as he learned how to make money, as well as stories where he helped others learn about money.
Kiyosaki also gives his 10 point plan for getting started and staying on track.
This is a great book.
It will give you a great insight on how people with money think and act.
Read this book.
It can get you thinking about your beliefs about money.
There is another side to the money story.
You deserve to open yourself to all financial possibilities.
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