Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Humility - The Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders by Mark R Anderson

The Impact of Humility on the Ministry of Signs and Wonders Jesus is established as the model for true humility in Mark R.
Anderson's book "Humility: The Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders.
" Mark's writing is refreshing, solid teaching, a straightforward prophetic message from a Biblical perspective.
Mark maintains that genuine humility is imperative for the ministry of signs and wonders.
Mark also talks about the blessing of humility and the destructive effects of pride.
He warns of the dangers of flagrant pride and counterfeit humility.
He challenges the reader to pursue the mandate of Jesus to do "greater works" than even He did.
Mark includes practical lessons from his own experience and ministry in which he has seen the miraculous intervention of God.
He also tells of the blessings received when trusting God in expectation of the "miraculous" to see God at work in supplying everyday needs.
I found the" Points to Ponder" section included with each chapter to be especially practical and helpful and.
Each chapter is filled with principles for contemplation, daily living, for meaningful one on one discussion or group study.
Memorizing the key scripture verses suggested help the reader gain a deeper appreciation for the theme of each chapter, and lead to adapting and assimilating the material into practical life applications.
I highly recommend "Humility: The Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders.
" Mark Anderson's writing is articulate, insightful, and profound.
Mark clearly communicates the significance of humility in meaningful lasting ministry.
Refreshing, inspiring, transformational.
Destiny Image Publishers, Inc.
, 978-0768432527 As reviewed for Midwest Book Review.
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