I am an ardent reader.
Thanks to my cousin Sumi who got me started on this habit when I was in 9th grade.
Secret Seven(before that I had only read a lot of biographies personality development books and like university of success and positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale who is one of my most favorite writers in the arena of self help books) was my first book and I thoroughly enjoyed it mostly because the book was about a group of kids who always stuck together and did a lot fun stuff that I never got to do when I was a kid.
I think thats the concept behind the liking we develop for everything.
We like a movie sometimes because it takes us to a world where we would have liked to be.
Secret Seven still remains one of my favorites and I read the series time and again.
Well coming back to the actual issue, and then my cousin advised me to start on classics.
She was in love with Gone with the Wind, when she narrated the story to me, the character of the heroine reminded me so much about myself that I was quite curious to read the book.
This is another reason why we develop a liking towards something, because we are able to relate to it.
I read Gone with the Wind, fell in love with it but I also developed a habit of skipping a lot of pages which I thought were boring and the habit still continues.
No matter how small the book might be, I still have the habit of skipping at least a couple of paragraphs in between.
Then I read the sequel to Gone with the Wind,Scarlett,fell in love with it too.
Thus begun my journey in the world of words.
I have never been able to be away from books from then.
They have been a wonderful company.
For a loner like me who almost never shares the deepest feelings with anyone, books were a great solace.
I could find half of the answers about my questions on life through books, the rest of the answers came from my experimentation with life.
Thus books became an integral part of my existence.
If I do not find a book that makes me drown in it for more than 3 months, I go into depression.
Its like I am missing a vital part of myself.
Such is the intensity of bond I have developed with books because of authors like Ayn Rand, Sydney Sheldon, Dan Brown, Robin Cook, Michael Chricton, Margaret Mitchell, Alexandra Ripley, Paulo Coelho, J.
Rowling, Stephanie Meyer, Ernest Hemingway and many many more.
I am going to use this blog as a medium to share with the world what each of my favorite book has taught me and why I found the time I spent with these books absolutely enthralling.
As a first step here are my Top ten favorites.
1) Fountain Head by Ayn Rand 2) Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand 3) Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley 4) Little Women by Louisa May Alcott 5) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.
Rowling 6) Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.
Rowling 7) Twilight by Stephanie Meyer 8 ) Ponniyin Selvan by Kalki 9) The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown 10) Angels and Demons by Dan Brown It was quite difficult deciding the top ten books.
There are few more books I would love to add to my most favorite list and here they are.
11) Disclosure by Michael Chricton 12) Alchemist by Paulo Coelho 13) Jonathan Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach 14) Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway 15) Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell 16) New Moon by Stephanie Meyer I could go on but the purpose behind this post would be lost if I just keep adding to the list.
These are the books that I read time and gain whenever I feel I need a hand to raise me because I have fallen and I have found unflinching support from these books.
I convey my gratitude and respect to the authors of these books to have given me a chance to reconnect with my inner self whenever I lost touch with the who I am.
Have you observed most of my favorite books are by Female Authors, its a mere coincidence and I have no prejudice in this issue.
Its a humble request on my behalf to my friends reading this post to tell me their top 10 books either through comments or mail (teena87@gmail.
: In a survey conducted in the U.
Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead topped the list in the Fiction Category.
Thanks to my cousin Sumi who got me started on this habit when I was in 9th grade.
Secret Seven(before that I had only read a lot of biographies personality development books and like university of success and positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale who is one of my most favorite writers in the arena of self help books) was my first book and I thoroughly enjoyed it mostly because the book was about a group of kids who always stuck together and did a lot fun stuff that I never got to do when I was a kid.
I think thats the concept behind the liking we develop for everything.
We like a movie sometimes because it takes us to a world where we would have liked to be.
Secret Seven still remains one of my favorites and I read the series time and again.
Well coming back to the actual issue, and then my cousin advised me to start on classics.
She was in love with Gone with the Wind, when she narrated the story to me, the character of the heroine reminded me so much about myself that I was quite curious to read the book.
This is another reason why we develop a liking towards something, because we are able to relate to it.
I read Gone with the Wind, fell in love with it but I also developed a habit of skipping a lot of pages which I thought were boring and the habit still continues.
No matter how small the book might be, I still have the habit of skipping at least a couple of paragraphs in between.
Then I read the sequel to Gone with the Wind,Scarlett,fell in love with it too.
Thus begun my journey in the world of words.
I have never been able to be away from books from then.
They have been a wonderful company.
For a loner like me who almost never shares the deepest feelings with anyone, books were a great solace.
I could find half of the answers about my questions on life through books, the rest of the answers came from my experimentation with life.
Thus books became an integral part of my existence.
If I do not find a book that makes me drown in it for more than 3 months, I go into depression.
Its like I am missing a vital part of myself.
Such is the intensity of bond I have developed with books because of authors like Ayn Rand, Sydney Sheldon, Dan Brown, Robin Cook, Michael Chricton, Margaret Mitchell, Alexandra Ripley, Paulo Coelho, J.
Rowling, Stephanie Meyer, Ernest Hemingway and many many more.
I am going to use this blog as a medium to share with the world what each of my favorite book has taught me and why I found the time I spent with these books absolutely enthralling.
As a first step here are my Top ten favorites.
1) Fountain Head by Ayn Rand 2) Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand 3) Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley 4) Little Women by Louisa May Alcott 5) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.
Rowling 6) Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.
Rowling 7) Twilight by Stephanie Meyer 8 ) Ponniyin Selvan by Kalki 9) The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown 10) Angels and Demons by Dan Brown It was quite difficult deciding the top ten books.
There are few more books I would love to add to my most favorite list and here they are.
11) Disclosure by Michael Chricton 12) Alchemist by Paulo Coelho 13) Jonathan Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach 14) Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway 15) Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell 16) New Moon by Stephanie Meyer I could go on but the purpose behind this post would be lost if I just keep adding to the list.
These are the books that I read time and gain whenever I feel I need a hand to raise me because I have fallen and I have found unflinching support from these books.
I convey my gratitude and respect to the authors of these books to have given me a chance to reconnect with my inner self whenever I lost touch with the who I am.
Have you observed most of my favorite books are by Female Authors, its a mere coincidence and I have no prejudice in this issue.
Its a humble request on my behalf to my friends reading this post to tell me their top 10 books either through comments or mail (teena87@gmail.
: In a survey conducted in the U.
Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead topped the list in the Fiction Category.