Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Final Bound

As a young man on the high school football team, winning time and again to the delight of the crowd, cheerleaders praise us, of us all are proud, the year long and arduous, each game closer to the coveted championship crown, playing in the regional, favored to win, more than enough adrenalin to go around, but, it is the other team final bound.
On to college, no football here, a bright future awaiting to be found, I join the debate team on sound intellectual ground, every Saturday a competitive round, never the loser, regional bound, considered the best in debate of any college around, but, it is the other team final bound.
In corporate America is where I am now found, moving through management at a speed profound, in the prime of my career, I am nominated for "Man of the Year," into the recitals, a stellar year, one after another recite my qualifications, a man without equal peer, but, it is another final bound.
I am there, reaching the epitome of my career, only one more spot, a life long dream, the top of the ladder, another regional contest, the difference, at this, I am the best, but, it is another final bound.
My life a competition, round after round, always a winner, yet, never a crown, why, I wonder as I lie alone, where are my supporters, my cheerleaders now that I am old, all those achievements of such delight, mean nothing as day turns to night, it is in death true meaning is found, finally, I am final bound.
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