Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Book - Go For No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There

Author: Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz This book is a quick read with short chapters, there is no time for you ADD to kick in.
Many of the chapters have a cliffhanger which makes you want to read on.
This is a fictional story set to teach the authors business philosophy.
It also introduces motivation to the reader in a different way.
The book is for anyone doing sales in a business.
The book is about more getting more sales.
The ideas are contrarian.
I personally could not get excited by failure and I am not sure why anyone would want to waste time with unqualified prospects but the author has a method to his madness.
This book is for people who are serious about a change for the better.
They want to do good and be good as a company.
If your current sales program is not working for you, it would not hurt to get some input via a book.
Check out the Five Levels of Failure and the Science of Setting No Goals.
I believe in trying and testing EVERYTHING.
If it works for you, what can you say? If it does not work for you, throw it out and move on to the next things.
These ideas are easy to put in place and immediately try out.
You can see in 30 days or less if you get results in sales.
I also enjoyed the sci-fi fictional story line.
Easy access to information, interesting form, short and sweet, this book is an L.
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