Can you learn something from being robbed at gun point? Yes you can and this will help you in your love life.
I have learned this from T Dub Jackson when he explained it in the Magic of Making up System.
After the initial contact is established.
You want to set up the scene for your first date.
You know what is the most important part in the process? No it is not the quality of the delivered food at dinner.
Actually the MOST important thing, you can call it the secret, is the part which is known by little, is the part which nobody else but T Dub.
Jackson will tell you "the date must be EMOTIONALLY CHARGED.
Huh! What is that? This absolutely does not mean a dinner and a movie then a ride to home and kissing at the door.
Because, this is extremely typical and does not create a special emotion or a bonding...
or if you want to get back at your ex RE-bonding.
Actually, you want to pack in several emotionally charged events in a narrow range of minutes or even two hours.
Why? If you just do the traditional and boring thing you will lose, a sociologically proven concept says the following formula: Emotionally charged experiences = bond You can look at it this way.
When the last time you went to a bank was, don't remember? Do you remember the person in front of you in the teller's line? I don't think so, the one behind you? Bad memory..
But, What if while you were in the bank, it was ROBBED by a gang at gun point, and the robbers failed to get the safe open.
The robbers went mad, shouting and waving big guns in your face.
The tension feels so intense.
You are terrified, lying on the cold bank floor with your hands on the back of your head and having sporadic gasps of breathing.
You are shaking...
because it is deadly silent you keep asking yourself: "Oh my God! Where are the robbers?" "Are they behind me?" "Will they shoot me?" So you slowly move your head around and see an old lady lying down next to you.
She looks a little like Grandma, and you gain some of your lost courage enough to realize that she is more terrified than you.
She is discreetly weeping.
You slowly reach out to her and start assuring her with a rub on her shoulders or with a touch of her hands, when you whisper to her that this is going to be alright.
Did you imagine this? Now let me ask? Will you forget his lady? Eve? And do you think she will EVER forget the shape of your face? I don't think she will forget about what have you done in a million years! But, don't go rob a bank in your first date.
You just want to go on an emotionally charged and full of passion kind of date...
and preferably a series of mini dates in a range of a couple hours.
A short roller coaster ride could be a great example on that and you can think about more things.
Dub Jackson teaches you more about things like emotionally charged dates in his successful e-book.
You'll also discover psychological techniques and tactics you can use to get you BACK on that first date with your ex again, or even with a new girl, make sure you check my links down these sentences.
I have learned this from T Dub Jackson when he explained it in the Magic of Making up System.
After the initial contact is established.
You want to set up the scene for your first date.
You know what is the most important part in the process? No it is not the quality of the delivered food at dinner.
Actually the MOST important thing, you can call it the secret, is the part which is known by little, is the part which nobody else but T Dub.
Jackson will tell you "the date must be EMOTIONALLY CHARGED.
Huh! What is that? This absolutely does not mean a dinner and a movie then a ride to home and kissing at the door.
Because, this is extremely typical and does not create a special emotion or a bonding...
or if you want to get back at your ex RE-bonding.
Actually, you want to pack in several emotionally charged events in a narrow range of minutes or even two hours.
Why? If you just do the traditional and boring thing you will lose, a sociologically proven concept says the following formula: Emotionally charged experiences = bond You can look at it this way.
When the last time you went to a bank was, don't remember? Do you remember the person in front of you in the teller's line? I don't think so, the one behind you? Bad memory..
But, What if while you were in the bank, it was ROBBED by a gang at gun point, and the robbers failed to get the safe open.
The robbers went mad, shouting and waving big guns in your face.
The tension feels so intense.
You are terrified, lying on the cold bank floor with your hands on the back of your head and having sporadic gasps of breathing.
You are shaking...
because it is deadly silent you keep asking yourself: "Oh my God! Where are the robbers?" "Are they behind me?" "Will they shoot me?" So you slowly move your head around and see an old lady lying down next to you.
She looks a little like Grandma, and you gain some of your lost courage enough to realize that she is more terrified than you.
She is discreetly weeping.
You slowly reach out to her and start assuring her with a rub on her shoulders or with a touch of her hands, when you whisper to her that this is going to be alright.
Did you imagine this? Now let me ask? Will you forget his lady? Eve? And do you think she will EVER forget the shape of your face? I don't think she will forget about what have you done in a million years! But, don't go rob a bank in your first date.
You just want to go on an emotionally charged and full of passion kind of date...
and preferably a series of mini dates in a range of a couple hours.
A short roller coaster ride could be a great example on that and you can think about more things.
Dub Jackson teaches you more about things like emotionally charged dates in his successful e-book.
You'll also discover psychological techniques and tactics you can use to get you BACK on that first date with your ex again, or even with a new girl, make sure you check my links down these sentences.