Time management is a tricky issue. We all get only 24 hours in our day. What we do with these 24 hours determines the level of success we will have in life. This article does not aim to teach you how to manage time. In fact, it aims to show you that time can not be managed. The reasons for that are uncovered in the article, and they will definitely change the way you see time.
Time Management has been a buzz word for our busy reality for years now. The fact is that we all get 24 hours per day - from the richest person to the poorest one. We can not buy time, and if we learn how to use it wisely, we will achieve a lot of success. But how do we do that?
The answer to this question is easy for most people - you learn how to manage your time. You plan and record your activities, you allocate them time slots, and thus you navigate your time. But can we really manage time? Can we manage the Universe? Can we manage something much bigger and stronger than any human being? The answer is No and here are the reasons why.
Bob Proctor, the famous Law of Attraction guru, whom you might have seen in the hit movie "The Secret" relates an interesting story in his profound program "The Science of Getting Rich." He tells of when he was invited to join the famous Earl Nightingale, the so-called Dean of Personal Development, for breakfast one day. Bob Proctor had always been amazed of the way Earl Nightingale ran and directed his life. He was always in deep respect of his ability to manage time.
So he complemented his mentor: "Earl, I am amazed at how good you are at managing time. How do you manage to do that?"
Earl looked at him half-smilingly, half-amazed and said: "Manage time? No one manages time! The best we can do is manage activities, but no one can manage time."
How profound indeed. Our human egos give us the impression that since we are so adept at managing activities we are in fact managing time. But this could not be further from the truth, as Earl Nightingale points out. In fact, once people start living like Earl Nightingale, they would discover a previously unknown calmness in their actions.
Once a person realizes that they can not manage time, they start to work in another way. They no longer attempt to hastily do as many things as possible, but rather they plan their activities for the day, prioritize them, and then tackle them one by one in the order of their importance. And this goes on until time runs out. Then, they repeat the same exercise on the following day, and again on the following day, day by day. This is what you can manage, but you can not manage time.
What other lessons does "The Science of Getting Rich Program" have for you? Click the link below to read an unbiased review of this program and several others.
Time Management has been a buzz word for our busy reality for years now. The fact is that we all get 24 hours per day - from the richest person to the poorest one. We can not buy time, and if we learn how to use it wisely, we will achieve a lot of success. But how do we do that?
The answer to this question is easy for most people - you learn how to manage your time. You plan and record your activities, you allocate them time slots, and thus you navigate your time. But can we really manage time? Can we manage the Universe? Can we manage something much bigger and stronger than any human being? The answer is No and here are the reasons why.
Bob Proctor, the famous Law of Attraction guru, whom you might have seen in the hit movie "The Secret" relates an interesting story in his profound program "The Science of Getting Rich." He tells of when he was invited to join the famous Earl Nightingale, the so-called Dean of Personal Development, for breakfast one day. Bob Proctor had always been amazed of the way Earl Nightingale ran and directed his life. He was always in deep respect of his ability to manage time.
So he complemented his mentor: "Earl, I am amazed at how good you are at managing time. How do you manage to do that?"
Earl looked at him half-smilingly, half-amazed and said: "Manage time? No one manages time! The best we can do is manage activities, but no one can manage time."
How profound indeed. Our human egos give us the impression that since we are so adept at managing activities we are in fact managing time. But this could not be further from the truth, as Earl Nightingale points out. In fact, once people start living like Earl Nightingale, they would discover a previously unknown calmness in their actions.
Once a person realizes that they can not manage time, they start to work in another way. They no longer attempt to hastily do as many things as possible, but rather they plan their activities for the day, prioritize them, and then tackle them one by one in the order of their importance. And this goes on until time runs out. Then, they repeat the same exercise on the following day, and again on the following day, day by day. This is what you can manage, but you can not manage time.
What other lessons does "The Science of Getting Rich Program" have for you? Click the link below to read an unbiased review of this program and several others.