You may find your love at unexpected places.
You would have begun dating her right from your high school or have run into your partner at a boring corporate meeting.
But as it may just take a minute to fall in love, the romance in the relationship may also fizzle out within short time frame especially if there is a frequency mismatch between you and your partner.
If it is extremely difficult to convey your heart's feeling to an individual, it is even tougher to come out of a relationship.
If you too have find yourself in a tough spot and your relationship is making you feel suffocated and sick, here are some tips to help you tide through these tough times:
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You would have begun dating her right from your high school or have run into your partner at a boring corporate meeting.
But as it may just take a minute to fall in love, the romance in the relationship may also fizzle out within short time frame especially if there is a frequency mismatch between you and your partner.
If it is extremely difficult to convey your heart's feeling to an individual, it is even tougher to come out of a relationship.
If you too have find yourself in a tough spot and your relationship is making you feel suffocated and sick, here are some tips to help you tide through these tough times:
- Honesty is the best policy:- Chances are you would have met someone else whom you find more charming or you have cheated on your partner and want to get out of the relationship.
In such scenarios, lines like "let's be friends" are most commonly used by people to start the conversation.
Rather than beating about the bush and prolonging the agony for both the persons in the relationship it is better to be subtle but direct.
On the other hand if you want to end the relationship because you have been cheated on or hurt badly by your partner then do not feel guilty in telling your partner that you want to break the bond as you are tired of being taken for granted. - Know the reason for taking this drastic decision:- it is better to be clear as to why you want to come out of this relationship.
If you had been in a serious relationship than it is all the more important to tell your partner the real reason for ending the relation.
True it will hurt but then your partner will appreciate your honesty and knowing the truth will help them grow up as an individual and take corrective measures so that their relationships don't turn sour in future. - Think twice before you call it quits:- ending a relationship can be a tough decision especially if you feel that the person you are with is your soul mate.
We all want our relationships to be true to the wordings "till death do us part" and sometimes we stick with an unhappy relationship just because of fear or feeling or guilt.
But it is better to come out of the relationship at the right time if you realize that both of you are not on the same footing and that the things are not working out between you too.
Sit down and have a heart to heart conversation which will help you to mend fences or assist you in parting ways amicably.
Note: You're free to republish this article in any way you want, as long as kept in its entirety.
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