Do you find yourself torn and broken apart by a bad break up? One that took of your time, energy and everything you had to try to get back together and save things with them.
Here are the top signs to know if your ex really still wants you back...
They always call you.
If you are on the receiving end of most of the phone calls, then you know that your ex still is interested with you.
They wouldn't make the effort to contact you, if they weren't interested anymore.
They still try to make themselves better and impress you.
If you find that your ex is trying to look better, get a better job, get in better shape.
You know they are doing things to try and get you back.
3, Just knowing your ex is still talking to you.
It is apparent they want things to keep going because they wouldn't make the effort to talk to you otherwise.
If they always talk about things that happened in the past, then you know they are still caught up in the good times you shared before.
This is a sure tale sign that you must take measures to get the relationship back on track.
They are constantly complimenting you, or doing things to make you sound like a hero.
If they keep treating you like you are a special person, and they are being so kind to you, then you know they have feelings for you and want you to stay around in their life.
Your ex will always return your phone calls and arange to meet up with you.
This is a definite sign that your ex still wants you back.
The fact that they are always returning calls, wanting to spend time with you and giving you their time.
This is an obvious one that there is still something left.
Here are the top signs to know if your ex really still wants you back...
They always call you.
If you are on the receiving end of most of the phone calls, then you know that your ex still is interested with you.
They wouldn't make the effort to contact you, if they weren't interested anymore.
They still try to make themselves better and impress you.
If you find that your ex is trying to look better, get a better job, get in better shape.
You know they are doing things to try and get you back.
3, Just knowing your ex is still talking to you.
It is apparent they want things to keep going because they wouldn't make the effort to talk to you otherwise.
If they always talk about things that happened in the past, then you know they are still caught up in the good times you shared before.
This is a sure tale sign that you must take measures to get the relationship back on track.
They are constantly complimenting you, or doing things to make you sound like a hero.
If they keep treating you like you are a special person, and they are being so kind to you, then you know they have feelings for you and want you to stay around in their life.
Your ex will always return your phone calls and arange to meet up with you.
This is a definite sign that your ex still wants you back.
The fact that they are always returning calls, wanting to spend time with you and giving you their time.
This is an obvious one that there is still something left.