How to get a girl back after she dumps you takes an inner toughness that only a few men can muster.
I've been there before and I know you're pain.
Is it in you? Because if you believe that your ex still has some feelings for you, (they usually do), then you should take the necessary steps in winning her back.
First Step - Create a Vacuum Take a step back.
Way back.
Every situation is different, but creating a "vacuum" between you and her is a must, both physically and emotionally.
The more you push, the more she will distance herself.
So this means, no texting, no emailing and no updating your Facebook page.
Not yet at least, but we'll get back to that later.
Second Step - Don't Care You shouldn't care that she broke up with you, because the truth is, she doesn't.
How can't you care, you ask? Fake it.
Fake it till you make it.
If you can't avoid running into her, act like the breakup was a thing of the past.
But you need to keep your mouth shut.
The more you communicate with her the greater the chances are of you ruining the whole plan.
Third Step - Live The Life This is where you got to spoil yourself.
But I'm not talking about buying some new clothes or motorcycle.
Take a risk, step out of your comfort zone and try something new and exciting.
Go for a dream that you once had, whether if it's doing a little traveling or learning a new hobby.
Do something different, bold and fun! Fourth Step - Bait and Switch Now it's time to update your Facebook page with some exciting new pics of yourself.
What if you don't use Facebook? Try to make sure that your new activities make it through the gossip vine.
You want her to know that losing her was the best thing in your life.
Now, what you're going to wait for is for her to contact.
Basically you want to reply with something similar to: "Everything is good, all of these good things are happening to me since I started (whatever you did that was fun).
I mean, really good" Keep it short, because now you really got her attention.
These are just the beginning steps of an ultimate plan of winning back your ex before she sleeps with a new man.
I've been there before and I know you're pain.
Is it in you? Because if you believe that your ex still has some feelings for you, (they usually do), then you should take the necessary steps in winning her back.
First Step - Create a Vacuum Take a step back.
Way back.
Every situation is different, but creating a "vacuum" between you and her is a must, both physically and emotionally.
The more you push, the more she will distance herself.
So this means, no texting, no emailing and no updating your Facebook page.
Not yet at least, but we'll get back to that later.
Second Step - Don't Care You shouldn't care that she broke up with you, because the truth is, she doesn't.
How can't you care, you ask? Fake it.
Fake it till you make it.
If you can't avoid running into her, act like the breakup was a thing of the past.
But you need to keep your mouth shut.
The more you communicate with her the greater the chances are of you ruining the whole plan.
Third Step - Live The Life This is where you got to spoil yourself.
But I'm not talking about buying some new clothes or motorcycle.
Take a risk, step out of your comfort zone and try something new and exciting.
Go for a dream that you once had, whether if it's doing a little traveling or learning a new hobby.
Do something different, bold and fun! Fourth Step - Bait and Switch Now it's time to update your Facebook page with some exciting new pics of yourself.
What if you don't use Facebook? Try to make sure that your new activities make it through the gossip vine.
You want her to know that losing her was the best thing in your life.
Now, what you're going to wait for is for her to contact.
Basically you want to reply with something similar to: "Everything is good, all of these good things are happening to me since I started (whatever you did that was fun).
I mean, really good" Keep it short, because now you really got her attention.
These are just the beginning steps of an ultimate plan of winning back your ex before she sleeps with a new man.