Low female libido does not get as much publicity as low mens libido but it causes just as much anguish but the good news is you can take a combination of proven herbs to heal your body and boost your sex drive.
In this article, we will look at the main causes of low sexual desire and the herbs which help boost it naturally.
One of the major causes of lack of sexual desire is poor blood flow to and into, the sex organs.
For sexual satisfaction and sex drive, the sex organs must fill with more blood quickly.
Herbs which can boost blood flow all around the body and into the sex organs are Ginger, Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba.
As a combination, they will also reduce stress, increase overall body energy and lift mood which manifests itself, in more desire and better sexual satisfaction.
For a healthy libido, you need two key chemicals - estrogen and testosterone and if either is in short supply, sex can become uncomfortable and sexual desire will plummet.
You can increase testosterone by taking Ginseng which we have already mentioned and increase estrogen levels, by taking Dong Quai which is seen by many, as the best herb for improving overall levels of health in women.
Women also have periods of their life where hormonal changes related to childbirth, the menopause and PMS, cause sex drive to fall; to relieve the symptoms, a great combination of herbs to take are - Dong Quai which we have already mentioned and Damiana.
The herbs above, are just of the ones you will find combined with others in the best natural libido pills for women and they will provide you with, nutrients you simply don't get in your normal, everyday diet.
Take these pills and you will not only cure low libido, you will enhance your overall levels of wellness at the same time, safely and naturally.
In this article, we will look at the main causes of low sexual desire and the herbs which help boost it naturally.
One of the major causes of lack of sexual desire is poor blood flow to and into, the sex organs.
For sexual satisfaction and sex drive, the sex organs must fill with more blood quickly.
Herbs which can boost blood flow all around the body and into the sex organs are Ginger, Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba.
As a combination, they will also reduce stress, increase overall body energy and lift mood which manifests itself, in more desire and better sexual satisfaction.
For a healthy libido, you need two key chemicals - estrogen and testosterone and if either is in short supply, sex can become uncomfortable and sexual desire will plummet.
You can increase testosterone by taking Ginseng which we have already mentioned and increase estrogen levels, by taking Dong Quai which is seen by many, as the best herb for improving overall levels of health in women.
Women also have periods of their life where hormonal changes related to childbirth, the menopause and PMS, cause sex drive to fall; to relieve the symptoms, a great combination of herbs to take are - Dong Quai which we have already mentioned and Damiana.
The herbs above, are just of the ones you will find combined with others in the best natural libido pills for women and they will provide you with, nutrients you simply don't get in your normal, everyday diet.
Take these pills and you will not only cure low libido, you will enhance your overall levels of wellness at the same time, safely and naturally.