Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Is It Bad to Ask a Guy Out? Learn If It"s OK to Be the First One to Ask Him Out or Not

If you are hesitant to take the initiative and worried about how it would look if you asked him out, then don't be! There are plenty of reasons why it is perfectly okay to ask a guy out.
You do not live in the middle ages when you would have had to wait for him to make the first move and ask you out! Today it is perfectly acceptable to go ahead and invite him over if you like him! It is perfectly fine to let a guy know you like him You don't have to agonize about the fact that you like him and are dying to make him aware of the fact.
All you have to do is let him know in subtle ways that you are interested in him.
Flirting is one such way and if you get a response you will know that he likes you back.
The next step would be to ask him out.
No one will think you are too forward if you ask him out Don't be afraid of what people think when it comes to your life and happiness.
After all the only thing you are doing is asking him out and that's no big deal! You can safely go up to him if you have enough of courage and invite him for a cup of coffee or even to a movie.
Plan on what you are going to say to him before so that you sound confident.
Find out if he is free and eligible before you make the move If you go up to a married man and ask him out - yes that would look bad! All you have to do is first find out if he is free to date you.
Then look for clues that tell you he feels the same attraction and then ask him out with the sweetest smile on your face! It is no body's business why and how you ask him out.
Don't be self conscious and think that you look "fast" If you are self conscious and afraid of whether it is the right or wrong thing to do - don't ask him out! Refuse to be intimidated by society and go with your gut feeling.
You will not appear "loose or fast" if you ask a guy out for heaven's sake so go ahead and invite him! A guy likes it when a woman hits on him You will be surprised to know that men actually love it when they are pursued by women.
It will make him feel really attractive and sexy if you go up to him and ask him out.
This "attention" and being your "choice" will make him feel on top of the world and others will be envious of the fact.
It does not make you seem cheap Just because you are asking a guy to go out with you does not make you cheap so get that idea out of your head! Know that it will prove to one and all that you are confident of yourself and plucky enough to go after what you want.
This sort of attitude will instead make you more popular and attractive.
Its acceptable in today's society In today's dating world no body really bothers about "who" it is that is doing the chasing.
Everything is acceptable to a certain degree and a woman who asks a guy out is considered smart and self confident.
The men too accept women taking the initiative and are very flattered by it.
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