Women are going to put you through the test whether you like it or not.
They don't all have the same test, nor do they administrate the test in the same way.
There are many subtle variations of the test, and you can never really be sure if you're being tested at any particular moment.
The good news is she wouldn't bother to test you if she wasn't into you.
The following tips should help to know when you're being tested by women and what to do about it.
Be Ready Always.
If she's testing you it means she likes you enough to take the time to torment you a little.
If it helps, think of it like it's boot camp and she's the drill sergeant.
She's trying to break you in order to control you.
As long as you are aware that you're being tested you can avoid some of the major pitfalls.
Anticipate Learn to anticipate those moments when you'll most likely be tested.
"Can you hold my purse?" No.
You never want to hold her purse.
No guy ever wants to be the guy holding the purse because it gives any passer-by the opportunity to say, "Nice purse, " for which there is no comeback.
When is she going to ask you to hold her purse? It's possible anytime she may be wearing a purse.
Baited Questions Another way women will test a man is with questions designed to put you on the spot.
These can be questions like, "Do you think she's pretty?" or "Does this dress make my butt look big.
" It's best to prepare some snappy answers for questions like these.
Try repeating the question back to her, "Do I think that girl's pretty? Absolutely not.
" Anything you can say to fill some space is good, try to keep her from asking another question right away.
Be Attentive If you've got the attention span of a 10 year-old you will definitely have trouble dating women.
If she's telling a story and you drift for a second you'll hear, "Are you listening to me? What did I just say?" And she's got you.
She Will Walk All Over You If you let her.
Even if you've graduated from the "nice guy" category this problem can still come up.
She'll find ways to get you to do things for her.
If she can get you to do things for her that means she has exhibited some control over you.
You can be nice, courteous and respectful without sacrificing your integrity.
Test Her Try using her game against her.
Ask some of the same questions; have her hold your backpack.
This lets her know that you are aware of her game.
This will likely entice her to step it up, so be ready for more tests.
Call Her Out If you've put up with it a little, thwarted her attempts to test you and she's still at it then you need to call her out because this woman is wasting your time.
Do it in a playful way and smile so as to not seem threatening, but let her know that you've had enough of her games.
She wants you to challenge her, it's more exciting.
They don't all have the same test, nor do they administrate the test in the same way.
There are many subtle variations of the test, and you can never really be sure if you're being tested at any particular moment.
The good news is she wouldn't bother to test you if she wasn't into you.
The following tips should help to know when you're being tested by women and what to do about it.
Be Ready Always.
If she's testing you it means she likes you enough to take the time to torment you a little.
If it helps, think of it like it's boot camp and she's the drill sergeant.
She's trying to break you in order to control you.
As long as you are aware that you're being tested you can avoid some of the major pitfalls.
Anticipate Learn to anticipate those moments when you'll most likely be tested.
"Can you hold my purse?" No.
You never want to hold her purse.
No guy ever wants to be the guy holding the purse because it gives any passer-by the opportunity to say, "Nice purse, " for which there is no comeback.
When is she going to ask you to hold her purse? It's possible anytime she may be wearing a purse.
Baited Questions Another way women will test a man is with questions designed to put you on the spot.
These can be questions like, "Do you think she's pretty?" or "Does this dress make my butt look big.
" It's best to prepare some snappy answers for questions like these.
Try repeating the question back to her, "Do I think that girl's pretty? Absolutely not.
" Anything you can say to fill some space is good, try to keep her from asking another question right away.
Be Attentive If you've got the attention span of a 10 year-old you will definitely have trouble dating women.
If she's telling a story and you drift for a second you'll hear, "Are you listening to me? What did I just say?" And she's got you.
She Will Walk All Over You If you let her.
Even if you've graduated from the "nice guy" category this problem can still come up.
She'll find ways to get you to do things for her.
If she can get you to do things for her that means she has exhibited some control over you.
You can be nice, courteous and respectful without sacrificing your integrity.
Test Her Try using her game against her.
Ask some of the same questions; have her hold your backpack.
This lets her know that you are aware of her game.
This will likely entice her to step it up, so be ready for more tests.
Call Her Out If you've put up with it a little, thwarted her attempts to test you and she's still at it then you need to call her out because this woman is wasting your time.
Do it in a playful way and smile so as to not seem threatening, but let her know that you've had enough of her games.
She wants you to challenge her, it's more exciting.