What men want in a woman.
This is a question asked by just about every woman at one time or another.
In fact, one of the more common points in a relationship where a woman starts to ask this question is shortly after it started.
Many women feel as if to their man the novelty has worn off.
That he just doesn't seem to be quite as attentive as he once was.
Often women will think to themselves, "Did I just find myself another loser?" Sometimes they will even wonder why they keep attracting the wrong kind of man.
Maybe you find yourself in that same mindset as you read this article today.
Indeed many women will go through a good deal of soul searching during this time in a relationship.
They may be thinking to themselves that the relationship seemed like a perfect fit at the beginning.
He was constantly calling and contacting her.
Always wondering when they would be getting together next.
Then suddenly he became complacent, as if the work was done and he had her reeled in.
That he started to become more interested in hanging out with his pals then coming over to spend time with her.
Many women at this point will start to question themselves.
They wonder if there is something they are doing wrong, or is there a trait that men are finding unattractive shortly after they begin dating.
They often find themselves asking, "Am I not pretty enough?" Or, "Am I not skinny enough?" They often begin to lose self confidence.
Maybe you can relate.
Studies have also shown many women will look at their friends and their relationships.
Often times thinking to themselves, "I am just as attractive and outgoing as she is.
" And wonder why she is constantly dating the hot men and getting treated like a queen...
dates to nice restaurants, flowers, trips to romantic travel destinations and more.
They often think to themselves, "What does she have that I don't.
" The fact of the matter is looks are not the most important trait that men want in a woman.
In fact, having that perfect body or gorgeous hair is not nearly as important as society would lead to believe.
Women who have successful and fulfilling relationships generally have the qualities and traits that go beyond the cosmetic.
This is a question asked by just about every woman at one time or another.
In fact, one of the more common points in a relationship where a woman starts to ask this question is shortly after it started.
Many women feel as if to their man the novelty has worn off.
That he just doesn't seem to be quite as attentive as he once was.
Often women will think to themselves, "Did I just find myself another loser?" Sometimes they will even wonder why they keep attracting the wrong kind of man.
Maybe you find yourself in that same mindset as you read this article today.
Indeed many women will go through a good deal of soul searching during this time in a relationship.
They may be thinking to themselves that the relationship seemed like a perfect fit at the beginning.
He was constantly calling and contacting her.
Always wondering when they would be getting together next.
Then suddenly he became complacent, as if the work was done and he had her reeled in.
That he started to become more interested in hanging out with his pals then coming over to spend time with her.
Many women at this point will start to question themselves.
They wonder if there is something they are doing wrong, or is there a trait that men are finding unattractive shortly after they begin dating.
They often find themselves asking, "Am I not pretty enough?" Or, "Am I not skinny enough?" They often begin to lose self confidence.
Maybe you can relate.
Studies have also shown many women will look at their friends and their relationships.
Often times thinking to themselves, "I am just as attractive and outgoing as she is.
" And wonder why she is constantly dating the hot men and getting treated like a queen...
dates to nice restaurants, flowers, trips to romantic travel destinations and more.
They often think to themselves, "What does she have that I don't.
" The fact of the matter is looks are not the most important trait that men want in a woman.
In fact, having that perfect body or gorgeous hair is not nearly as important as society would lead to believe.
Women who have successful and fulfilling relationships generally have the qualities and traits that go beyond the cosmetic.