Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Avoid Burnout As a Work At Home Mom

When considering leaving the corporate "rat race" to live the American dream and become a mom entrepreneur, many mothers working from home forget how easily the stress of everyday business builds up and can spill over into family life.
Work at home moms have quite a heavy tray to balance.
As frustration sets in and gives rise to bitterness, the two parties that are most affected are the clients and the families.
Having an urge to press forward and "make it" in life is no small instinct - but when this drive is not met with satisfaction, watch out - train coming through.
Besides stress and bitterness, there is the danger of pure laziness.
The double-edged sword of being in business for yourself is that yes, you are "free" and the boss - but who bosses the boss? When nobody is looking, who is to hold the mom entrepreneur accountable? How to avoid the danger of out-of-control ambition and pure laziness:
  • Begin networking with other entrepreneurs: at the Chamber of Commerce, at business owners' networking groups, or informally.
  • Have your goals written out, with a system of rewards built-in.
    If you reach "X" goal by "Y" date, you get "Z" reward.
    Being motivated by the fear of failure is a strong motivator - but it's also negative and creates desperation rather than a genuine drive.
  • Set limits for your work.
    Do not work until 4 am every day, expecting your family to "just understand" why you are in a foul temper most days.
    Limit your working hours so you can still function in your role as a mother as well a business owner.
  • Put a date stamp on everything, record your progress, and have a meeting of the minds with another business owner who can help give you pointers and at least accountability.
    This will give you a "living journal" of sorts to reflect on and to gain insights into successful living.
  • Make your to-do list into a monthly, weekly and daily edition.
    Every day, write out what you are will accomplish.
    If and when you fail to meet this standard, you can either lower your expectations (to realistically reflect what life allows) or begin identifying the problem areas to address them.
Keeping a written record of daily activities will also help keep you accountable at least to yourself.
Find where you spend a lot of time, and think of ways to make those areas in your day more efficient.
Don't leave your family out of the equation.
Priorities cannot be limited to business only, but must include being a wife and mother as well.
How will you measure success? Only you can decide as you look at and consider the needs of your own spouse and children.
Spending your spare moments with your children will go far in helping you stave off feeling like a failure as a parent.
A little activity every day will go far in helping you bond with your kids and help them develop a strong sense of self-worth.
This is an added benefit of a work at home mom, as you have your children right there with you throughout the day.
There is no easier way to kill momentum in your business as the mom entrepreneur than to begin to sense you're failing as a wife or mother.
It's important to connect with your spouse and children as much as you are able, even while building your business.
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