It may have been your fault, maybe you cheated maybe you were admittedly not the kindest person that you could have been to your boyfriend and now he has left you.
And you never thought you would take it as hard as you are but now you realize just how much you had.
Do not worry and do not give up hope that the relationship is completely over.
First of all if the relationship was a solid one at all then it is worth putting back together.
But you are going to have to do some work before you can begin that process.
Essentially there will be 5 steps to getting your boyfriend back: 1)You will need to carefully evaluate the relationship as it was 2)You will need to consider precisely (to the best of your knowledge) what went wrong 3)You will need to decide if you are willing to make the efforts required to get the relationship back on track 4)You will need to determine where you stand with your ex 5)You will need to develop a plan that is built around creating the type of relationship that both of you desire If you noticed, each of those steps started with something that you will need to do.
In other words this is going to take work and effort.
So if your heart is not in this then you should let it go now.
I probably should have mentioned that it is essential that even before you begin with step one that you take a good hard look at yourself.
The reason I say that is because after a break up many people tend to let themselves go.
They may have poor eating habits which can lead to weight loss or gains and sometimes they even tire of personal hygiene routines.
It is important that you keep in mind that you must take care of yourself before you attempt to repair a broken relationship.
If you do not you will find that you are trying to do two things at once and the work will be doubled.
If after evaluating your relationship you decide that it is one worth saving then you should move on to step two.
At that point you need to consider what went wrong.
Do your best to be unbiased.
In relationships most problems can be contributed to both partners to some degree.
Consider what changes you can make to create a better relationship and decide if you can live with those changes on an ongoing basis.
You really do not want to repeat another break up in a few months from now because you are tired of the change! Determine if your ex is interested in repairing the relationship at all.
If not then this will take a lot of effort.
It does not mean that the relationship cannot be repaired but it does mean that you will have to work a little or a lot harder to repair the damages.
Then when you and your ex decide to work things out the two of you need to decide together what would make your relationship one that is stronger and more wonderful than before.
Anything worthwhile is worth planning.
Take your time and do it right.
I always suggest that you build a relationship on a foundation of friendship because during hard times that friendship will hold you together.
And you never thought you would take it as hard as you are but now you realize just how much you had.
Do not worry and do not give up hope that the relationship is completely over.
First of all if the relationship was a solid one at all then it is worth putting back together.
But you are going to have to do some work before you can begin that process.
Essentially there will be 5 steps to getting your boyfriend back: 1)You will need to carefully evaluate the relationship as it was 2)You will need to consider precisely (to the best of your knowledge) what went wrong 3)You will need to decide if you are willing to make the efforts required to get the relationship back on track 4)You will need to determine where you stand with your ex 5)You will need to develop a plan that is built around creating the type of relationship that both of you desire If you noticed, each of those steps started with something that you will need to do.
In other words this is going to take work and effort.
So if your heart is not in this then you should let it go now.
I probably should have mentioned that it is essential that even before you begin with step one that you take a good hard look at yourself.
The reason I say that is because after a break up many people tend to let themselves go.
They may have poor eating habits which can lead to weight loss or gains and sometimes they even tire of personal hygiene routines.
It is important that you keep in mind that you must take care of yourself before you attempt to repair a broken relationship.
If you do not you will find that you are trying to do two things at once and the work will be doubled.
If after evaluating your relationship you decide that it is one worth saving then you should move on to step two.
At that point you need to consider what went wrong.
Do your best to be unbiased.
In relationships most problems can be contributed to both partners to some degree.
Consider what changes you can make to create a better relationship and decide if you can live with those changes on an ongoing basis.
You really do not want to repeat another break up in a few months from now because you are tired of the change! Determine if your ex is interested in repairing the relationship at all.
If not then this will take a lot of effort.
It does not mean that the relationship cannot be repaired but it does mean that you will have to work a little or a lot harder to repair the damages.
Then when you and your ex decide to work things out the two of you need to decide together what would make your relationship one that is stronger and more wonderful than before.
Anything worthwhile is worth planning.
Take your time and do it right.
I always suggest that you build a relationship on a foundation of friendship because during hard times that friendship will hold you together.