Matters of heart are often the most driving forces in one's life.
After a break up, besides trying very hard to cope with the hurt, you often find that you want to win back your ex.
This is a difficult task for those who do not know how to go about it.
So, be careful about what advice you chose to take and what you do for unless you do it the right way, the results could be disastrous.
One of the easiest ways to get into the books of your ex is to make your ex jealous.
Here are seven smart ways to that you get his/ her attention: 1.
Act normal.
You are upset, you hurt very badly, you miss your ex very much.
None of this should show on your face.
Act normal.
It is very disturbing for your ex to know that the break up did not affect him/ her as it affected you.
This will intrigue your ex and make him/ her think of you.
Start dating again.
This does not mean that you seek to get into another relationship; but you need to project an impression that you are ready to make that step if you find the right person.
Introduce fun into your life.
Your ex would think that you would be mopping around feeling all lost and hopeless.
Let that not be the picture.
Make a list of fun things you would like to do and do it.
Let everyone be aware that you are happy.
Keep around you as many friends of opposite gender as you can.
Make it a point to renew and sustain friendships with as many opposite gender people you can.
Your ex would burn to know which one would be or could be your next possible girlfriend/ boyfriend.
Look gorgeous.
Whether you are man or woman take super care about how you look, how you smell, how you are groomed overall.
The better you look the more attention you will attract from people of opposite gender; the more your ex would become jealous.
Woo success.
Nothing succeeds like success.
You would have heard this saying time and again.
Nobody would think twice about a loser; but everyone would want to be around a successful person.
Be successful and with it make your ex jealous.
Let everyone know you are celebrating your single status.
Your ex would feel jealous of your newly found happiness; more so because that means that you are happy without him/ her.
After a break up, besides trying very hard to cope with the hurt, you often find that you want to win back your ex.
This is a difficult task for those who do not know how to go about it.
So, be careful about what advice you chose to take and what you do for unless you do it the right way, the results could be disastrous.
One of the easiest ways to get into the books of your ex is to make your ex jealous.
Here are seven smart ways to that you get his/ her attention: 1.
Act normal.
You are upset, you hurt very badly, you miss your ex very much.
None of this should show on your face.
Act normal.
It is very disturbing for your ex to know that the break up did not affect him/ her as it affected you.
This will intrigue your ex and make him/ her think of you.
Start dating again.
This does not mean that you seek to get into another relationship; but you need to project an impression that you are ready to make that step if you find the right person.
Introduce fun into your life.
Your ex would think that you would be mopping around feeling all lost and hopeless.
Let that not be the picture.
Make a list of fun things you would like to do and do it.
Let everyone be aware that you are happy.
Keep around you as many friends of opposite gender as you can.
Make it a point to renew and sustain friendships with as many opposite gender people you can.
Your ex would burn to know which one would be or could be your next possible girlfriend/ boyfriend.
Look gorgeous.
Whether you are man or woman take super care about how you look, how you smell, how you are groomed overall.
The better you look the more attention you will attract from people of opposite gender; the more your ex would become jealous.
Woo success.
Nothing succeeds like success.
You would have heard this saying time and again.
Nobody would think twice about a loser; but everyone would want to be around a successful person.
Be successful and with it make your ex jealous.
Let everyone know you are celebrating your single status.
Your ex would feel jealous of your newly found happiness; more so because that means that you are happy without him/ her.