Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Meeting a Woman When She"s With Her Friends Or in a Group

Every guy who is in the single scene has to deal with this particular obstacle.
Many aren't even aware that they have to.
It's called the "Friend Factor" If you've ever gone out specifically to pick up a chick, you'll know that women like to travel in PACKS.
It's very rare to see an attractive woman out on the town by herself.
They are either with friends, or on their way to meet up with friends.
And if you aren't privy to the right way to approach a woman when she's with her friends, succeeding with her is an uphill battle.
Not to mention, down right frightening.
Imagine this scenario...
You're in a bar and you see an attractive woman that you want to meet.
But to your dismay, she is smack-dab in the middle of a small crowd of people! To make it worse, she's talking, laughing, teasing, and joking around with these people.
They are her friends.
So you stand around, waiting, hoping, to catch her when she goes to the bathroom, or out to grab a smoke, or something where you don't have to deal with a large group of people.
This is where most men mess up! The idea of approaching a girl who's in the midst of an entire GROUP of people is enough to scare almost any guy.
In fact, most men have NO CLUE how to meet women when they are with their friends! A lot of men tend to wait around until they can catch her solo.
Anytime when her friends aren't present.
The big issue here lies in the inevitable fact that her friends WILL eventually come for her.
And odds are, they will drag her off somewhere.
You are then back to square one! The other tactic most guys take is to approach the woman directly, and completely IGNORE her friends! This is just as bad since the friends will eventually try and get rid of you because they just see you as a nuisance! But - if you approach a group the right way, and are able to actually become PART of the group, you'll never have to worry about her friends dragging the object of your desire away from you! Whether a girl is with one friend or twenty, if you aren't part of her social circle her friends will do everything in their power to protect her from you.
The trick to meeting women in bars and night clubs is to meet the women you're attracted to THROUGH their friends.
This means you meet the friends first, get to know them, demonstrate you aren't some creep, and then once you're accepted by the group, only then do you start talking to the girl you like.
And surprisingly, this isn't as hard as you think.
There are secrets to penetrating a woman's social circle in under a minute.
One of my favorite ways to do this is to engage the whole group in some type of conversation.
The easiest way to do this is to ask the group their opinion on something.
Remember: You're not asking one or two of the girls in the group - you are asking the WHOLE group.
If you do this right you'll engage everyone in conversation, ensuring in you becoming part of their social circle.
And once that happens, its easy a cake to "borrow" their friend so you can have a little one on one time with the girl you like.
Why would they stop you now? You are a part of the group! You have the approval you need.
Practice this technique, and I can guarantee you that you'll find far fewer obstacles in your path when it comes to approaching and attracting the women you desire.
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