- Mailboxes can really be made out of just about anything, as long as they are sturdy enough to protect what is put inside of them from the weather and have a front that can be opened and closed securely. So before you begin designing your own large mailbox, make sure the material holding the mailbox together is either wood, metal or plastic, which won't dissolve in rain, sleet or snow. Also, make sure there is a door on the front of the box or that a door can be installed on the front of the box of the same or similar weather-proof material.
- A metal toolbox can be easily converted into a large mailbox with a door already attached, as it is made out of weather-proof material. All of the sections should be removed from inside the toolbox first so it is clear of any obstruction to the postman putting items in the mailbox itself. The handle should be removed from the top of the mailbox, or replaced with a lighter handle, so it is easier to open and close and insert and receive mail. With the built-in clasps on the metal toolbox itself, it should be easy to install a lock, if that is deemed necessary. The toolbox should be installed so it lies on it's back and the door opens toward you, allowing maximum depth and width within it.
- A small wooden crate that carried a number of bottles of wine or a nice gift is another excellent candidate for large mailbox conversion as it has width and depth but also will hold up quite well in inclement weather. However, the first thing that should be done when making a large mailbox out of wood is to sand and treat the wood so water doesn't damage it and cause it to warp and, subsequently, rot. Once this has been done, install the wooden crate on the mailbox pole so a drawer can be constructed in one end where mail can be inserted and removed. Or just add hinges to the top of the crate and allow mail to be inserted and removed that way.
Requirements for Mailbox
Metal Tool Box
Wooden Crate