Health & Medical Self-Improvement

A Bird"s Eye View

I was soaring around the clouds, following the wind pattern, enjoying the warm sunshine.
Looking down, I spotted a beautiful garden, complete with flowing waterfalls, a brilliant array of flowers landscaped with love and, lo and behold, a copper birdbath which shone beautifully in the sun.
I could see the clear, sparkling water in it! What was I to do except visit that garden and catch a few rays? Might as well have a swim while I am there.
The birdbath looked really clean and shiny, so the people in that home must feel really responsible about making sure I stay healthy when I visit their birdbath.
Now, I like that! When I landed on the side of the copper birdbath, a pretty yellow finch soon visited me - we decided together that we would just bathe and swim and enjoy the garden for a few minutes and watch the owners as they went about their business.
We were not surprised to see that they were removing the cover from the BBQ and placing extra chairs around the patio table.
They obviously are having guests for dinner, my friend and I decided.
They are setting out wine glasses and pretty tableware! We wondered how many would finally arrive.
Oh, look.
They're setting up the patio umbrella - this sunshine really is awesome! Will we stay and watch or come back later? We decided to take a break from the "spa and pool life", preen ourselves and perhaps scout out the neighborhood.
After all, if this back yard is so receptive for birds, then we were pretty certain there would be a few others in the area.
A little bird feeder along the way would be a bonus also.
As we left that garden together to take advantage of upward movements of air called thermals that we had noticed, my finch friend turned to me and said, "Did you see that pretty red dress the owner had on? I, of course, would have chosen yellow, but we can't all be lovers of yellow.
God has given me that color naturally and I think I was blessed.
" I just nodded my head, as we continued our journey ever upward, knowing that we would come back to this wonderful garden another time.
It may not be this evening, but another day for sure.
This, after all, was a water fountain garden that invited our return.
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