Premature ejaculation is a sexual dysfunction issue that plagues millions of men.
However, it is possible that men can have longer erections to complement their female sexual partners who need more time to climax.
A first step to overcome premature ejaculation is to master masturbation, which you must do with a woman's climax in mind and not your own.
Take your time and work up to 15 minutes.
Bring yourself close to ejaculation, but don't ejaculate until time is up.
Another technique is the stop-and-squeeze method.
If you "overheat" during masturbation or sex, stop and squeeze right below your penis' head.
Apply pressure with your forefinger and thumb and emphasize pressure on the urethra, the tube running alongside the penis' underside.
Developed by Masters and Johnson, the squeeze method pushes blood out of the penis and momentarily reduces sexual tension and represses ejaculatory response.
Masters and Johnson identifies four phases of sexual response: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
It's the plateau and orgasm phases one should be concerned with, as most men crash through the former, straight into the latter.
The technique is to slow down and recognize that there's a spectrum of feelings throughout the process of sexual response and to recognize your own point of ejaculatory inevitability.
You should also do your Kegel exercises, which are exercises that help tighten the pubococcygeal (PC) muscles of the pelvic floor.
Women and men have them and you can familiarize yourself with the muscle group by blocking the flow of urine and then starting and stopping it repeatedly.
Practice your Kegels anywhere: behind the wheel and at your desk.
Tighten the PC muscles and hold, counting up to 10, then release.
Practice in sets of 10.
Press your penis' head into your woman's clitoral head.
Taunt her and tease her.
Linger in the vaginal entrance where the most sensitive nerve endings are.
During sex, focus on shallow and small movements that penetrate the first 2 to 3 inches of the vaginal canal and then press your penis against her G-spot.
If you're not thrusting vigorously, you'll last longer.
Lastly, it's important to make and keep your woman happy.
Show a little courtesy.
Women have the ability to have multiple orgasms.
When you help her reach her first one, it relieves you of some of the pressure to please and the psychological anxiety that feeds into premature ejaculation.
Use your mouth and your fingers.
However, it is possible that men can have longer erections to complement their female sexual partners who need more time to climax.
A first step to overcome premature ejaculation is to master masturbation, which you must do with a woman's climax in mind and not your own.
Take your time and work up to 15 minutes.
Bring yourself close to ejaculation, but don't ejaculate until time is up.
Another technique is the stop-and-squeeze method.
If you "overheat" during masturbation or sex, stop and squeeze right below your penis' head.
Apply pressure with your forefinger and thumb and emphasize pressure on the urethra, the tube running alongside the penis' underside.
Developed by Masters and Johnson, the squeeze method pushes blood out of the penis and momentarily reduces sexual tension and represses ejaculatory response.
Masters and Johnson identifies four phases of sexual response: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
It's the plateau and orgasm phases one should be concerned with, as most men crash through the former, straight into the latter.
The technique is to slow down and recognize that there's a spectrum of feelings throughout the process of sexual response and to recognize your own point of ejaculatory inevitability.
You should also do your Kegel exercises, which are exercises that help tighten the pubococcygeal (PC) muscles of the pelvic floor.
Women and men have them and you can familiarize yourself with the muscle group by blocking the flow of urine and then starting and stopping it repeatedly.
Practice your Kegels anywhere: behind the wheel and at your desk.
Tighten the PC muscles and hold, counting up to 10, then release.
Practice in sets of 10.
Press your penis' head into your woman's clitoral head.
Taunt her and tease her.
Linger in the vaginal entrance where the most sensitive nerve endings are.
During sex, focus on shallow and small movements that penetrate the first 2 to 3 inches of the vaginal canal and then press your penis against her G-spot.
If you're not thrusting vigorously, you'll last longer.
Lastly, it's important to make and keep your woman happy.
Show a little courtesy.
Women have the ability to have multiple orgasms.
When you help her reach her first one, it relieves you of some of the pressure to please and the psychological anxiety that feeds into premature ejaculation.
Use your mouth and your fingers.