I understand your desperation to stay close to your ex after you have split.
He or she has become so much part of your life that it is impossible to go through existence without your ex.
Of course, the hidden agenda is that you want to get your ex back and by staying as friends can bring him or her back to you faster.
Or that is what you think! You may be going wrong here and my strong advice is: don't stay friends with your ex, if you have the ultimate aim to bring them back to your life.
I know this sounds illogical.
You want your ex back and how on earth will he or she know about your intentions unless you remain in close vicinity? But if you think harder, staying as friends with your ex only jeopardizes your chances of getting your ex back.
Why? These are the reasons why I always advised my patients: don't stay friends with your ex if you want to win back your ex: •Though staying as friends with your ex appears to be an attractive proposal, but there are various facets to this friendship, which may not be clear at first glance.
For example, when you stay as friends, you are in close physical proximity with some one who you love with all your heart.
But remember, you are no longer lovers - you are just friends.
This means that you are losing out on two counts: you are neither being a lover to your ex nor are you allowing any future prospect to get near you, who might have provided a more stable relationship.
•Don't stay friends with your ex because as a friend your role is limited.
There would still be secrets and confidentialities which your ex may not feel like sharing with you, now that you are no longer lovers.
This may be unnerving because you are so used to know every detail of what is going on your ex's life! •Now that you have split, it is highly possible that your ex would find someone new.
Though this new-found relationship is still in its early stages, your ex might treat you like a stable sounding board, just to check out whether he or she is on the right track or not.
This can be a very painful experience to see your ex getting romantically involved with someone else, right under your nose.
Friendship is not only about being physically close; it also entails facing some truths which are not so palatable.
•Following the advice: don't stay friends with your ex makes more sense because when you are physically accessible, your ex never gets a chance to re-think about the relationship which he or she shared with you.
Unless you make your ex miss you, possible only when you vanish from the scene, you would never get closer to achieving your original aim, which is to win your ex back.
He or she has become so much part of your life that it is impossible to go through existence without your ex.
Of course, the hidden agenda is that you want to get your ex back and by staying as friends can bring him or her back to you faster.
Or that is what you think! You may be going wrong here and my strong advice is: don't stay friends with your ex, if you have the ultimate aim to bring them back to your life.
I know this sounds illogical.
You want your ex back and how on earth will he or she know about your intentions unless you remain in close vicinity? But if you think harder, staying as friends with your ex only jeopardizes your chances of getting your ex back.
Why? These are the reasons why I always advised my patients: don't stay friends with your ex if you want to win back your ex: •Though staying as friends with your ex appears to be an attractive proposal, but there are various facets to this friendship, which may not be clear at first glance.
For example, when you stay as friends, you are in close physical proximity with some one who you love with all your heart.
But remember, you are no longer lovers - you are just friends.
This means that you are losing out on two counts: you are neither being a lover to your ex nor are you allowing any future prospect to get near you, who might have provided a more stable relationship.
•Don't stay friends with your ex because as a friend your role is limited.
There would still be secrets and confidentialities which your ex may not feel like sharing with you, now that you are no longer lovers.
This may be unnerving because you are so used to know every detail of what is going on your ex's life! •Now that you have split, it is highly possible that your ex would find someone new.
Though this new-found relationship is still in its early stages, your ex might treat you like a stable sounding board, just to check out whether he or she is on the right track or not.
This can be a very painful experience to see your ex getting romantically involved with someone else, right under your nose.
Friendship is not only about being physically close; it also entails facing some truths which are not so palatable.
•Following the advice: don't stay friends with your ex makes more sense because when you are physically accessible, your ex never gets a chance to re-think about the relationship which he or she shared with you.
Unless you make your ex miss you, possible only when you vanish from the scene, you would never get closer to achieving your original aim, which is to win your ex back.