There are those who have no intention of participating in something new and different yet revel in hearing stories of those who do, particularly people they know as friends or acquaintances.
For them these fanciful tales are better than reading a book or watching an action movie because your adventurous tale is real and the protagonist celebrity is you, someone they know personally.
Social media doesn't measure up because they prefer story-telling the old fashion way - a direct personal connection with a pinch of exaggeration encourage, whether it's a nod or a wink.
Why they don't participate is irrelevant.
This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your story-telling skills on a topic you're intimately familiar with because you've experienced it first-hand as the protagonist.
The key approach is to initially provide a set-up background story by describing the weather, what you wore and your journey to the venue just like the voice-overs in those classic film noir flicks.
Then you can get into the meat & potatoes of the matter upon arrival by giving a compelling and entertaining visceral description of the venue, the event, the characters and your role as the cause celebre during your brief sojourn at this amazing Alice in Wonderland affair.
With respect to negative situations, always provide comparative with the second component an ending on an upbeat, positive note such as the wine was not up to snuff but the beer was robust and fabulous.
Like a master tailor weave all these elements of your tale to create a memorable and personalized story.
Your intonation, cadence and tone should captivate your subject's imagination every step of the way as if he or she was actually there, make them feel the experience by always enhancing it with an occasional pause, a wry smile and a twinkle in your eye.
Never make them feel guilty such as saying, "Too bad you weren't there," because you never want to make anyone feel bad.
And often they never actually want to be physically there yet they hunger to experience it viscerally from a master storyteller.
Through these storytelling experiences you'll hone your skills and eventually have a portfolio of interesting tales to tell anyone, anywhere at any time at a moment's notice, upon demand, almost to the extent that you could become the second most interesting person in the world.
On the other hand sometimes we experience a role-reversal in which we're the rapt listener craving to hear a great tale and gladly welcome those who go there and tell me gripping tales of their adventures.
One person I know is as nighthawk party-goer who often attends events quite similar to the underground gothic scene in "The Matrix" to where Neo follows the white rabbit and meets Trinity.
Although I fantasize about attending one of those, in my lifestyle by the time those parties are underway I'm in dreamland.
But when this person weaves his tale he suddenly becomes the second most interesting person in the world.
For them these fanciful tales are better than reading a book or watching an action movie because your adventurous tale is real and the protagonist celebrity is you, someone they know personally.
Social media doesn't measure up because they prefer story-telling the old fashion way - a direct personal connection with a pinch of exaggeration encourage, whether it's a nod or a wink.
Why they don't participate is irrelevant.
This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your story-telling skills on a topic you're intimately familiar with because you've experienced it first-hand as the protagonist.
The key approach is to initially provide a set-up background story by describing the weather, what you wore and your journey to the venue just like the voice-overs in those classic film noir flicks.
Then you can get into the meat & potatoes of the matter upon arrival by giving a compelling and entertaining visceral description of the venue, the event, the characters and your role as the cause celebre during your brief sojourn at this amazing Alice in Wonderland affair.
With respect to negative situations, always provide comparative with the second component an ending on an upbeat, positive note such as the wine was not up to snuff but the beer was robust and fabulous.
Like a master tailor weave all these elements of your tale to create a memorable and personalized story.
Your intonation, cadence and tone should captivate your subject's imagination every step of the way as if he or she was actually there, make them feel the experience by always enhancing it with an occasional pause, a wry smile and a twinkle in your eye.
Never make them feel guilty such as saying, "Too bad you weren't there," because you never want to make anyone feel bad.
And often they never actually want to be physically there yet they hunger to experience it viscerally from a master storyteller.
Through these storytelling experiences you'll hone your skills and eventually have a portfolio of interesting tales to tell anyone, anywhere at any time at a moment's notice, upon demand, almost to the extent that you could become the second most interesting person in the world.
On the other hand sometimes we experience a role-reversal in which we're the rapt listener craving to hear a great tale and gladly welcome those who go there and tell me gripping tales of their adventures.
One person I know is as nighthawk party-goer who often attends events quite similar to the underground gothic scene in "The Matrix" to where Neo follows the white rabbit and meets Trinity.
Although I fantasize about attending one of those, in my lifestyle by the time those parties are underway I'm in dreamland.
But when this person weaves his tale he suddenly becomes the second most interesting person in the world.