Our confidence is one of the most attractive traits we can express. That confidence is what makes people attracted to us and want to spend time with us. It is hard not to have a hit to your confidence when you are currently unemployed or underemployed.
"What will women think of dating a guy with no job? Maybe I should go live in my Mom's basement and complete the scenario!"
"I read so many online profiles where women are demanding that a guy they are dating has a job! What should I do hide under a rock until I find work again?"
Get out of the mindset that an eligible guy has to have a job and if you don't you aren't attractive to a woman.
1. Women want a man who has ambitions more than just a job.
Having a job is not about how much money you make for most women, it is a signal that you are not lazy and have ambition. If you are taking a bit of time off before you look for another job that is a great thing. If you are sitting in your PJ's till two in the afternoon playing video games, maybe they are right! If nothing else take a class in something to tighten up your job skills. Going back to school or getting more training is one of the best excuses for being unemployed
2. Be upbeat about your situation.
Women want men who are strong and confident enough to fill that cultural role of provider/protector. This does not necessarily mean making enough money. Most of the time it can be demonstrated simply by having a good attitude and a plan to get through hard times. Don't dwell on it in conversation and paint it in a positive light.
3. Be creative about how you explain your unemployment.
Learn the art of spin, and make your situation seem like an opportunity rather than an unfortunate event.
"I have the best job in the world right now, I get to sleep in, don't have to report to anyone, and I make my own schedule. My extended vacation has been fantastic, noting beats the time between career moves!"
"I have always felt like I can do so much more than what I did in my last position, now I have a real opportunity to be selective and enter the career I have always wanted instead of something that I just fell into."
"Although I am between positions at the moment it has actually been a fantastic experience, I never knew I could spin my experience to fit so may different job choices. I have been seeking out all sorts of interesting careers I would have never imagined before this."
4. Stay Busy!
The worst thing you can do is tighten down your outings too much. As much as you need to pay for food and rent, your social sustenance is just as important to keeping your confidence up! Join a class, start a hobby, and go out with friends as much as you can. Keep your budgeting in mind but don't fall into a trap of crawling into a hole till you get a job. The more you stay busy the higher your confidence will stay. Take this time to do some travel or even a road trip and you will have a ton to talk about on a date.
5. Go on more creative cheaper dates!
First dates should be more low-key. There is no reason to buy expensive dinners for every date. Try going to coffee or drinks for the first date. It puts way less pressure on both you and her, and you can easily end it short if it isn't going well as a bonus.
For second dates try something fun like a hike with a bottle of wine hidden in your backpack to share at the top. Try some plastic wine glasses from an event supply store for an added touch that are easier to carry and higher class than drinking straight from the bottle.
Grab a star gazer's book and learn a few constellations for an evening picnic on a warm night.
Check out a museum or a free concert/festival in you area.
Third date I usually invite her over for a dinner I cooked, if she seems a bit hesitant offer to go to her place and cook her dinner. At some point in the dating process women expect dinner, no reason it can't be lower cost and more memorable as well.
Being unemployed has become a common thing with this economy. You can either let it defeat you or use it as an opportunity to have more time for dating, doing new things, and finding what and who you want in your life. Good luck on your job search, just remember to keep your social life a priority too. A supportive social circle will keep you happy through the toughest times.
"What will women think of dating a guy with no job? Maybe I should go live in my Mom's basement and complete the scenario!"
"I read so many online profiles where women are demanding that a guy they are dating has a job! What should I do hide under a rock until I find work again?"
Get out of the mindset that an eligible guy has to have a job and if you don't you aren't attractive to a woman.
1. Women want a man who has ambitions more than just a job.
Having a job is not about how much money you make for most women, it is a signal that you are not lazy and have ambition. If you are taking a bit of time off before you look for another job that is a great thing. If you are sitting in your PJ's till two in the afternoon playing video games, maybe they are right! If nothing else take a class in something to tighten up your job skills. Going back to school or getting more training is one of the best excuses for being unemployed
2. Be upbeat about your situation.
Women want men who are strong and confident enough to fill that cultural role of provider/protector. This does not necessarily mean making enough money. Most of the time it can be demonstrated simply by having a good attitude and a plan to get through hard times. Don't dwell on it in conversation and paint it in a positive light.
3. Be creative about how you explain your unemployment.
Learn the art of spin, and make your situation seem like an opportunity rather than an unfortunate event.
"I have the best job in the world right now, I get to sleep in, don't have to report to anyone, and I make my own schedule. My extended vacation has been fantastic, noting beats the time between career moves!"
"I have always felt like I can do so much more than what I did in my last position, now I have a real opportunity to be selective and enter the career I have always wanted instead of something that I just fell into."
"Although I am between positions at the moment it has actually been a fantastic experience, I never knew I could spin my experience to fit so may different job choices. I have been seeking out all sorts of interesting careers I would have never imagined before this."
4. Stay Busy!
The worst thing you can do is tighten down your outings too much. As much as you need to pay for food and rent, your social sustenance is just as important to keeping your confidence up! Join a class, start a hobby, and go out with friends as much as you can. Keep your budgeting in mind but don't fall into a trap of crawling into a hole till you get a job. The more you stay busy the higher your confidence will stay. Take this time to do some travel or even a road trip and you will have a ton to talk about on a date.
5. Go on more creative cheaper dates!
First dates should be more low-key. There is no reason to buy expensive dinners for every date. Try going to coffee or drinks for the first date. It puts way less pressure on both you and her, and you can easily end it short if it isn't going well as a bonus.
For second dates try something fun like a hike with a bottle of wine hidden in your backpack to share at the top. Try some plastic wine glasses from an event supply store for an added touch that are easier to carry and higher class than drinking straight from the bottle.
Grab a star gazer's book and learn a few constellations for an evening picnic on a warm night.
Check out a museum or a free concert/festival in you area.
Third date I usually invite her over for a dinner I cooked, if she seems a bit hesitant offer to go to her place and cook her dinner. At some point in the dating process women expect dinner, no reason it can't be lower cost and more memorable as well.
Being unemployed has become a common thing with this economy. You can either let it defeat you or use it as an opportunity to have more time for dating, doing new things, and finding what and who you want in your life. Good luck on your job search, just remember to keep your social life a priority too. A supportive social circle will keep you happy through the toughest times.