Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How Does Hypnosis Work?

So how does hypnosis work? First we need to know what hypnosis does.
Hypnosis is a way to reprogram your subconscious mind to change patterns and behaviors you have programmed into your mind since birth.
Everyone has a subconscious mind with the ability to do wonderful things for them.
It is while developing in life, from childhood on, that so many negative messages can stunt its growth.
From "don't touch that, you'll burn yourself," "get back or you'll fall," "look out, don't break that," to "you won't amount to much," "you'll never make it in that business," "you want to be a what?" - it's a wonder any of us ever make it to adulthood.
Your subconscious has the power and knowledge of the universe, but it has no imagination, no direction of its own.
It is like a magnificent ship capable of taking you anywhere in life's ocean.
It even has its own, built-in navigator, but YOU are the MASTER.
You have to plot your course, and it will follow your every command.
If you continue feeding your subconscious with negative thoughts you will continue to receive what you ask for.
The universe is in perfect balance, made up of "positive" and "negative" vibrations.
If you seek, or even accept, the negative vibration, that is what your subconscious projects, and what you, in turn, receive.
Those who can only feel positive thoughts and project positive vibes, summon in powerful, positive strength to achieve anything they put their minds to.
Through the use of hypnosis you can begin to realize your true birth right of prosperity, health and wonderful relationships.
Who do you really want to be? Where do you want to be? How wealthy do you want to be? Your subconscious mind can draw an abundance of each from your own treasure trove in the universe if you just go about it the right way.
How do you get the attention of your subconscious mind and make it accomplish these things for you? How do you get hypnosis to work for you? You can seek the aid of a hypnotherapist, but the cost becomes restrictive for many of us.
You can also teach yourself hypnosis.
With the right program you will really learn how hypnosis works.
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