Are you the one wearing the courage of your convictions?I see the difference in you.
Now I'm very curious about what makes you tick.
What makes you so able to step up when no one else will?How do you put yourself in the line of fire like that? Superhero without the "Super".
You do your good deeds without all the smoke and mirrors.
What's it like knowing no fear, and living each day to the fullest? We all want to know.
We who still can't get past "us".
Where still stuck in the "what have you done for me lately" mode.
You know our kind.
We want what we want when we want it.
We still can't figure out why we shouldn't receive much, when we give so little.
Where did you come up with just doing it for the mere sake of giving of yourself.
The concept continues to elude so many of us.
I don't even want to get started on how willing you are to make sacrifices.
The ones that involve the giving of time, and things we'd never even consider parting with.
We need our things...
and more things.
After all, isn't that what determines who we are? Or does it? I wonder, can you teach us how to look past our own petty needs to see the needs of others.
Show us how to make decisions that are changing lives for the better.
Help us to enlarge our hearts, instead of our pockets.
Open our minds up to thoughts, and ideas, that go beyond the scope of "me".
Inspire, impart, and pour out your wisdom.
Maybe one day others might recognize the difference in us too...
Now I'm very curious about what makes you tick.
What makes you so able to step up when no one else will?How do you put yourself in the line of fire like that? Superhero without the "Super".
You do your good deeds without all the smoke and mirrors.
What's it like knowing no fear, and living each day to the fullest? We all want to know.
We who still can't get past "us".
Where still stuck in the "what have you done for me lately" mode.
You know our kind.
We want what we want when we want it.
We still can't figure out why we shouldn't receive much, when we give so little.
Where did you come up with just doing it for the mere sake of giving of yourself.
The concept continues to elude so many of us.
I don't even want to get started on how willing you are to make sacrifices.
The ones that involve the giving of time, and things we'd never even consider parting with.
We need our things...
and more things.
After all, isn't that what determines who we are? Or does it? I wonder, can you teach us how to look past our own petty needs to see the needs of others.
Show us how to make decisions that are changing lives for the better.
Help us to enlarge our hearts, instead of our pockets.
Open our minds up to thoughts, and ideas, that go beyond the scope of "me".
Inspire, impart, and pour out your wisdom.
Maybe one day others might recognize the difference in us too...