Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Five Secrets to Six Figures - Albert Gray Was Right - Motivation - Part 2

Our goals and dreams must reflect what's really in our hearts where our true motivations lie.
Only then can we sustain the achievement of worthwhile goals toward our divine destiny.
Only then will we find satisfaction in our work because we are simply acting out on the outside what God has put inside us.
To live any other way is like driving your car with your emergency brake on.
It just doesn't work.
Albert Gray was right.
In business (and in life) doing the right things, the right way, at the right time makes a person success-ful.
It's not about luck; it's about doing what's in your heart.
Funny how something so simple can be so truly profound.
Forming the right habits is always easier when you form them around something you want above all else and that requires deep introspection to know what we really want in life.
Discovering the motivation that pushes each of us to do the right thing at the right time may be our most important challenge.
Can you see how you must discover what motivates you? It's the most important secret to achieving success in any business.
Only then, will you set and achieve worthwhile goals toward your desired end.
Albert Gray was a highly motivated insurance salesman.
He made a brilliant observation about motivation in a career.
According to Gray, only one thing separated successful wage earners in America from mediocre producers.
He said, "The secret of the successful is that they have formed the habit of doing things that the unsuccessful aren't willing to do.
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