Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Your Ultimate New Year Resolution - A New You

As year 2009 negotiates the last bend, it will soon be New Year Resolution season.
Yes, I know, resolution has a bad name due to experience of past failures, it can be rechristened goals.
Despite past failures, we cannot do away with New Year goals.
It will amount to throwing away the baby with the bath water.
You cannot do without goals, if you are serious about arriving at your intended destination.
Before we go forward, let's take a brief look back at 2009, and maybe beyond.
The successes, failures, highs and lows, disappointments and achievements.
Let's take the last week of 2008, going into first week of 2009.
The year 2009 held a lot of hope and promise, after the events of 2008 - the global economic meltdown, melting with it our stocks portfolio at the stock market.
We expected something better from 2009.
What was the basis of our expectation that 2009 will be better? Did we do something different, or believed that somehow, everything will turn out right? If you are like most folks, you belong to the second group.
You pray that everything will work out right.
We approach the New Year with an old mindset, old paradigms, old friends, old advice, old fitness level, old time management skills, old spiritual fitness level, old, old, same of the same.
If input determines output, stop and think for a moment.
Old input results in...
, you got it, old output.
If you want to remain in the same state you are now, keep cruising in the same old boulevard.
Don't step up your game, and you will be guaranteed same old results.
There can be no happy New Year without a happy new you.
You simply have to step up your game, if you desire a better output.
You have prayed enough.
It is time to roll up your sleeves and go to work on the new you.
You will be deceiving yourself, if you expect a new improved output from good old same input.
You complain of feeling tired all the time (same here), have you stepped up your exercise regime? You complain of gaining weight, are you keeping a closer look at what you eat (quality and quantity)? How many hours do you watch television? What have you got to show for years of watching TV, for being a loyal football fan or fan of a talk show or home movies? Is what you are doing now taking you to where you want to go? Are you getting closer, or drifting further away from the goal (if any)? How many hours in a day do you invest in your dream? What is your plan for making your dream happen? Divine providence? When is the last time you finished a good self improvement book (I don't mean start)? How many books do you read in a year? Which TV channels do you watch? Does your watching them take you closer to your goal, or dull your brain and render you inactive? Have you ever wondered what you have to show for the fast receding year? If you are to place value on your free time (not when working for others), what is an hour worth to you? These are hard questions, and can piss many off, but questions any serious person with a goal needs to answer, before he drifts away with the tide.
You may have upgraded in years gone by, and then went to sleep, expecting the ride up to continue.
You have to return to the basics, get back in the game, and step up your game.
You cannot afford to rest on your oars.
Make your year 2010 New Year resolution A NEW YOU.
Invest in yourself.
Upgrade your mind.
Read good books, make better friends, learn a new skill, improve on existing skills and seek to get better every week and every month.
You should be smarter in December than you were in November.
Put yourself on a positive growth curve, not a negative decline into mediocrity.
Live your life by design not by default.
Hold onto the ball and dictate the pace of the game, not have it dictated to you, while you run around aimlessly (football fans will understand what I mean).
Use your power to choose.
Choose progress, increase, abundance, everything good you desire and not status quo.
Get off the overused couch and make your dream happen.
For a season, say goodbye to the monitor with couch and remote, and go for the one with keyboard and mouse.
Wake up your dream from slumber and get to work.
The New Year starts with you - a new you.
The ball is in your court.
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