Home & Garden Pest Control

Bed Bugs and How to Get Rid of "Em

Bed bugs are a problem that many people have but few realize right away.
If you have been waking up with rashes or see bugs crawling around where you sleep, you may very well have a bed bug infestation.
Most people don't end up realizing it until they go months upon months with rashes all over their bodies.
Here are a few ways you can tell that you have them plus some ways to get rid of them, quickly.
The first sign to watch out for is discoloration in your mattress.
Now this isn't going to be visible the way you think it will be.
You will actually need to search around your entire mattress.
Mainly concentrating on the area's that aren't exposed to sunlight.
The bottom, back, and other area's where bugs may feel "at home.
" If you end up finding them there, you can quickly kill them off with a bug spray and bug powder combination.
This nearly always does the trick.
if the amount of bugs is too large however, you may end up needing an exterminator to get the job done.
If you find yourself waking up with rashes every morning it's easy to blame it on other things.
For over a month I thought my body wash was giving me trouble.
Lo and behold it was actually bed bugs that were in my mattress coming out at night to feed on me.
If you have spotted rows of bites and see this happening pretty regularly, you may be inclined to do the searches above for any bugs that may be hiding.
The hardest part can often be finding the source of the infestation.
Once you do find it, there are a myriad of ways you can truly get rid of all the bugs for good.
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