Imagine creativity as your favorite pet that you love to play with.
It needs to be fed.
It needs to be fed on a regular basis.
It needs to be fed quality food.
Some foods are toxic.
Some foods are just not good for overall health and well being.
Imagine creativity as your favorite pet Sometimes when we imagine something intangible like "creativity" as something we can see and touch, it helps us to deal with it in a more productive way.
It helps us to understand what it needs and what will make it work.
First of all, appreciate your creativity and cherish it as a wonderful gift.
Don't be demanding and pushy.
Imagine it as your pet, always eager friendly and loving, unless you abuse it.
We all love to play, be happy and fun.
That is just natural.
So what kind of food are you going to feed your creativity Think of the food quality you give your pet.
Think of the thought and conscious choice you make about feeding it.
Well, you want quality food right! What is quality food for the imagination? New thoughts! New ideas! New visions! New sights! New Sounds! New and interesting.
It needs to be fed on a regular basis What would happen to your sweet little pet if you didn't feed it on a regular basis? First of all you wouldn't think of of it.
Regular feeding is a priority.
Make it the same with your creativity.
Don't get so bogged down, that you forget to feed your creativity on a regular basis.
Whether you are a part-time artist and get bogged down with the routine of a nine to five job, or whether you are a full time artist and begin demanding so much of your creativity -- take the time to feed your creativity regularly -- daily! It needs quality food Your pet needs quality food to be healthy, strong, energetic.
So does your creativity.
What are you putting in your mind? Is it inspiring you? Does it make you feel good? What are you watching on TV, or movies? It doesn't take much thought to realize what is good for your mind and what is good for your imagination! Just notice what it is that you are feeding your imagination.
Ask yourself, "Is this good for me? Good for my art? Will this make me feel like working?" It just depends on the results you want to get.
Think of your pet -- quality food is important! Some foods are toxic If you give something toxic to your pet, they will get sick.
Use how you are feeling to tell you whether the food you are feeding your creativity is toxic or not.
If you feel good while you are taking in the information, it is good quality.
If you feel bad, chances are it's toxic.
Now occasionally, something can seem toxic but give birth to a fabulous idea of creating something totally different from the toxic food you ate.
Like you could eat something poison, get sick and then want to advise everyone else about it.
Still the toxic food is toxic, but the experience can be turned into something good.
Like making lemonade from a lemon.
So, for instance, observing something on TV or a DVD could make you feel bad, like some kind of violence, let's say, but then you are inspired to create some art work about promoting love and caring.
The violence was still toxic, so you want to spit that out as soon as possible, and then focus on your fabulous idea.
There you have it.
Imagine your creativity as your beloved family pet.
Appreciate it, treat it well and above all, feed it regularly and feed it well.
It needs to be fed.
It needs to be fed on a regular basis.
It needs to be fed quality food.
Some foods are toxic.
Some foods are just not good for overall health and well being.
Imagine creativity as your favorite pet Sometimes when we imagine something intangible like "creativity" as something we can see and touch, it helps us to deal with it in a more productive way.
It helps us to understand what it needs and what will make it work.
First of all, appreciate your creativity and cherish it as a wonderful gift.
Don't be demanding and pushy.
Imagine it as your pet, always eager friendly and loving, unless you abuse it.
We all love to play, be happy and fun.
That is just natural.
So what kind of food are you going to feed your creativity Think of the food quality you give your pet.
Think of the thought and conscious choice you make about feeding it.
Well, you want quality food right! What is quality food for the imagination? New thoughts! New ideas! New visions! New sights! New Sounds! New and interesting.
It needs to be fed on a regular basis What would happen to your sweet little pet if you didn't feed it on a regular basis? First of all you wouldn't think of of it.
Regular feeding is a priority.
Make it the same with your creativity.
Don't get so bogged down, that you forget to feed your creativity on a regular basis.
Whether you are a part-time artist and get bogged down with the routine of a nine to five job, or whether you are a full time artist and begin demanding so much of your creativity -- take the time to feed your creativity regularly -- daily! It needs quality food Your pet needs quality food to be healthy, strong, energetic.
So does your creativity.
What are you putting in your mind? Is it inspiring you? Does it make you feel good? What are you watching on TV, or movies? It doesn't take much thought to realize what is good for your mind and what is good for your imagination! Just notice what it is that you are feeding your imagination.
Ask yourself, "Is this good for me? Good for my art? Will this make me feel like working?" It just depends on the results you want to get.
Think of your pet -- quality food is important! Some foods are toxic If you give something toxic to your pet, they will get sick.
Use how you are feeling to tell you whether the food you are feeding your creativity is toxic or not.
If you feel good while you are taking in the information, it is good quality.
If you feel bad, chances are it's toxic.
Now occasionally, something can seem toxic but give birth to a fabulous idea of creating something totally different from the toxic food you ate.
Like you could eat something poison, get sick and then want to advise everyone else about it.
Still the toxic food is toxic, but the experience can be turned into something good.
Like making lemonade from a lemon.
So, for instance, observing something on TV or a DVD could make you feel bad, like some kind of violence, let's say, but then you are inspired to create some art work about promoting love and caring.
The violence was still toxic, so you want to spit that out as soon as possible, and then focus on your fabulous idea.
There you have it.
Imagine your creativity as your beloved family pet.
Appreciate it, treat it well and above all, feed it regularly and feed it well.