- One of the key signs that an individual is being abused in a relationship is fear, according to Net Wellness. Avoiding certain conversational topics in order to not provoke a partner is a major symptom of dating violence and abuse. This generally happens to refrain from possibly angering the other person and is a way for the abuser to control the victim.
- According to Help Guide, humiliation is a major factor in violent and abusive dating relationships. Being belittled or humiliated verbally in public can often be a precursor for violence that might occur when in a private space, such as at home. Some symptoms of violent, aggressive and humiliating behaviors include yelling and constant criticism over a wide range of topics, such as weight, overall appearance, intelligence, friends and family.
- According to "There is Life After Abuse," one prominent sign that someone is involved in a violent and abusive relationship is being too embarrassed to bring their partner around friends and family. This embarrassment can be caused by worry that the abuser might do something disrupting or lash out in front of everybody.
- Help Guide states that sexual objectification is also a red flag for an abusive and violent relationship. If a partner has a tendency to fly into a fit of rage when denied sex, that is a glaring symptom of an abusive relationship. If a person feels forced into having sex in order to avoid confrontation, dating violence is most likely the case.
- The Alabama Coalition Against Dating Violence states that possessive behavior, such as excessive checking up and monitoring, is another classic symptom of an abusive, violent and controlling situation. If an individual is threatened against hanging out with friends or going out alone, it is a major sign of dating violence.