Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

What Do I Say When Talking Dirty to My Boyfriend

"How to talk dirty with my boyfriend" is often a topic of conversation when a group of girls get together for their regular rendezvous.
I'm sure you know what I'm taking about and that is probably the reason why you are here.
Most girls have their own answer to this question, in case you haven't gotten an answer to this question yet, then reading through this article is likely to help you find the answer you were looking for.
Every one wants to spice up their sex life and talking dirty during sex is one way to go about it.
Men usually find dirty talk sexually arousing and are often good at it as well.
But in most cases for a girl to open up and talk dirty his quite a task.
So in case your boyfriend wants you to talk dirty with him while making love but you just can't get yourself to do it, then don't worry we will help you overcome your situation.
Talking dirty isn't everyone's cup of tea, but yes there is a way of doing it, and it all depends on the kind of person you are.
If you are an extrovert and like to experiment with various ways to revamp your sex life then talking dirty in bed shouldn't be very difficult for you.
All you have to do is get a little more comfortable with your spouse and you will see a different side of you very soon.
But in case you are a person who is very sober, reserved and doesn't like to open up that fast then getting into talking really dirty with your boyfriend while making love might have the opposite effect on your partner than what you thought it would.
However, there are a few steps that I'd like to recommend my readers to follow, in order to achieve what they want:
  • Go slow and take it one step at a time.
    In other words, don't overdo it.
  • Relax yourself, do not be too conscious.
  • Just because you want to talk dirty, do not make a conscious effort to talk dirty.
  • Let the words come naturally to you.
    Be genuine.
  • Be careful while choosing your words.
    But this depends on the kind of sexual relationship you and your guy share.
    If you guys are into kinky stuff, then you can go ahead and be as explicit as you want!
  • Know when to use the words and how to use them.
  • Make sure that your boyfriend is okay with the idea of talking dirty.
    Some guys just can't handle dirty talk.
    Start with small talk to test his comfort levels.
  • Make sure that you don't do this on a regular basis or the fun of it will be gone soon.
Now that you have gone through this article, I'm sure you have got an answer to your question.
Feel free to consider what we have discussed here the next time you are with your boyfriend and I'm quite sure he'll be pleasantly surprised to see your bold side coming forth!
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