Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Decipher How He Really Feels

Do you constantly wonder how he really feels? Do you have a hard time figuring out what he really thinks about you? Don't you just wish you knew the art of mind-reading to make things easier on you? Unfortunately, you can't become a psychic overnight.
However, you can decipher how he really feels by picking up clues in his body language, words and tone of voice - and that's definitely better than nothing.
Decipher His Feelings through His Body Language Although words can tell great lies, body language can't.
So, if your guy is around and you want to find out how he really feels about you, watch his actions instead of listening to his words.
Does he maintain eye contact with you or does he look bored and evasive? Does he stay close to you when you talk or does he seem to shrink away? How often does he touch you - and, when he does, does he touch you affectionately and gently? Watch his facial expressions, too.
Does his face cloud over or light up when you show up? A lot of the time, women tend to ignore signs like this because they choose to pay more attention to a man's words or simply refuse to accept what they don't want to believe.
However, the truth is that facial expressions can actually tell so much more about a man's feelings than his words.
His eyes might sparkle, for example, and he might hide a shy smile - true signs that would tell you he really likes you.
Decipher His Feelings through His Words and Tone of Voice Now, this doesn't mean that you should never listen to your man, but once in a while, it will pay to listen to his tone of voice, too.
Men, in general, aren't too comfortable expressing how they feel to women, most of all when the relationship is still in its early stages; so, if he is telling you he loves you early on, you should take heed - especially if you are looking for something serious.
Conversely, you could just listen to his voice when he says it.
Is it animated or flat? Is it harsh or gentle? Also, what else do you guys talk about, in general? Does he share his feelings and thoughts with you or does he just tell you about his day? If he starts to share his feelings and thoughts, that would be a good sign.
That means he is letting all of his barriers down and is actually letting you into his heart.
If his tone is always gentle and his words are always open like this, then he must genuinely love you - a lot.
Of course, all men are different from one another, so you should try not to generalize too much.
Some guys might just love to open up about their feelings to everyone, for example, while other guys just have a general stoic expression on their faces at all times.
Either way, though, it wouldn't hurt to make it a point to check out his behavior whenever he's around you, especially his speech and his body language, so you can get important clues on how he really feels about you.
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