How do you get a boyfriend to love you more? Everyone wants to be in a happy relationship, but trouble will always come along the way. This is where the strength of your relationship will be tested. Sometimes you make it, sometimes you don't, and sometimes a little of the love and passion diminishes along the journey.
People have different ways of expressing their love to one another and these are called "love languages". If you are one of the women asking "how do you get a boyfriend to love you more," then the answer is finding out your partner's love language.
Why is that?
For one thing, it can help enrich your relationship. Two people can live together and yet they feel like they are not connecting. This is because people communicate in different ways. You need to find out what love language your boyfriend is speaking. That way, when things are a little rough between you two, you can easily communicate with him.
Is he a physical lover?
If your boyfriend is a physical lover, then in order to feel loved he needs physical attention. It doesn't have to be sexual. It can be as simple as holding hands, back rubs, or hugging. There's a pretty good chance your boyfriend is a physical lover if he is always playing with your hair, touching you lightly, kissing you often, or holding your hand.
You can show your love by doing the same to him. Don't pull away when he's reaching out to you. Hold his hand as well, kiss him, or let him play with your hair.
Is he an audible lover?
Does he like hearing words of encouragement or appreciation? Does he like to be praised and likes hearing positive affirmations? If he does, then your boyfriend is an audible lover. Words are the best way to communicate with him.
If you think he's feeling down or having problems at work, then encourage him and tell him that he will succeed as long as he tries his best. Give him compliments or words of appreciation to remind him just how special he is to you.
Is he an experience or quality time type of person?
Your boyfriend likes having your undivided attention. He likes spending time with you and doing things together. If your boyfriend speaks this type of love language, then he will appreciate it if you take the time off and spend time with him.
Make sure that your quality time is uninterrupted. Don't think about work or your future plans with your girlfriends. Right now is all about the two of you.
Is your partner a visual lover?
If your boyfriend is a visual lover, then he prefers love to be shown to him. Instead of telling him that you love him, show him instead. In this case, action speaks louder than words.
Every now and then you can surprise him by cooking his favorite meal. He would appreciate this especially after a hard day's work. He may also enjoy receiving gifts so even if there's no occasion, give him something you think he'll love. But you don't have to be his slave to show him you love him. That's why when you do something for him you need to make sure you're not reluctant.
So how do you boyfriend to love you more? Find out what his love language is. If you speak his language, then he'll definitely be more affectionate to you.
People have different ways of expressing their love to one another and these are called "love languages". If you are one of the women asking "how do you get a boyfriend to love you more," then the answer is finding out your partner's love language.
Why is that?
For one thing, it can help enrich your relationship. Two people can live together and yet they feel like they are not connecting. This is because people communicate in different ways. You need to find out what love language your boyfriend is speaking. That way, when things are a little rough between you two, you can easily communicate with him.
Is he a physical lover?
If your boyfriend is a physical lover, then in order to feel loved he needs physical attention. It doesn't have to be sexual. It can be as simple as holding hands, back rubs, or hugging. There's a pretty good chance your boyfriend is a physical lover if he is always playing with your hair, touching you lightly, kissing you often, or holding your hand.
You can show your love by doing the same to him. Don't pull away when he's reaching out to you. Hold his hand as well, kiss him, or let him play with your hair.
Is he an audible lover?
Does he like hearing words of encouragement or appreciation? Does he like to be praised and likes hearing positive affirmations? If he does, then your boyfriend is an audible lover. Words are the best way to communicate with him.
If you think he's feeling down or having problems at work, then encourage him and tell him that he will succeed as long as he tries his best. Give him compliments or words of appreciation to remind him just how special he is to you.
Is he an experience or quality time type of person?
Your boyfriend likes having your undivided attention. He likes spending time with you and doing things together. If your boyfriend speaks this type of love language, then he will appreciate it if you take the time off and spend time with him.
Make sure that your quality time is uninterrupted. Don't think about work or your future plans with your girlfriends. Right now is all about the two of you.
Is your partner a visual lover?
If your boyfriend is a visual lover, then he prefers love to be shown to him. Instead of telling him that you love him, show him instead. In this case, action speaks louder than words.
Every now and then you can surprise him by cooking his favorite meal. He would appreciate this especially after a hard day's work. He may also enjoy receiving gifts so even if there's no occasion, give him something you think he'll love. But you don't have to be his slave to show him you love him. That's why when you do something for him you need to make sure you're not reluctant.
So how do you boyfriend to love you more? Find out what his love language is. If you speak his language, then he'll definitely be more affectionate to you.