Family & Relationships Conflict

Advice For Marriage Breakups - 5 Ways to Keep Your Sanity

Breaking up is hard to do - especially when your marriage is on the line.
Research has shown that a marriage breakup can be among the most stressful things a person can experience.
And, for many people it can feel just as badly as does going through the death of a loved one.
If you are facing turbulent times in your marriage, you may be headed for a breakup, which could mean separation or divorce.
Splitting up may be the best option for the two of you, or it could be the worst possible way to resolve your troubles: who is to say? Only the two of you can work things out.
Or, failing that, only the two of you can find a way to split up in the least painful, most amicable way possible.
Here is advice for marriage breakups; these are 5 ways to keep your sanity: Way #1: Eliminate the blame game when speaking to each other: No matter how angry you both get when the two of you disagree or fight, remember that there is a spark of goodness and light in everyone.
Keep in mind that your mate was once the apple of your eye.
Looking at him or her now, it may be hard to imagine ever having felt or thought anything positive about them.
That is because right now you are likely wrapped in a blanket of negativity where your marriage is concerned.
Unfortunately, negativity builds upon itself, especially when you let it come out in the words you exchange with your mate.
The best path to healing for you is to eliminate the negativity, the blaming, and the fighting.
No matter who is right or wrong, no matter whose fault it is, blaming the other person only hurts you.
Way #2: Help the other person land on their feet: Once you have been married to someone, you will never be able to view them in a completely even, unbiased way again.
The two of you are too close and you have been through too much together to ever go back to being mere strangers again.
In fact, the two of you will be in some ways linked to each other for the rest of your lives.
Psychologists say that people who have been married for a few years or more start to show signs of completing each others' thoughts, as if they share the same mind.
That is why a marriage breakup is so painful and crazy-making: you are in some ways actually losing a part of your mind.
The bottom line is: treat the other person with respect and dignity no matter where this turbulent time takes you.
Look out for that person and make sure they land on their feet.
No matter how things might look right now, you will benefit directly if your mate (or ex) comes out of this in as healthy a way as possible.
Way #3: Keep the kids out of it: This one sounds like a no-brainer for those who have never faced a marriage breakup before.
But, once in the heat of battle, many people drag the most precious people in their lives - their own kids - into the mix.
Of course, most people intentionally try to involve their kids in their marriage problems.
But, this is exactly what often ends up happening - and this is the worst mistake you could make.
Your kids are innocent bystanders and should remain that way.
Way #4: Find a friend or therapist you can confide in: In today's cybernetic age of computers and cubicles, many of us live a lonely life.
Studies show that close friendships are on the decline in many advanced countries, and people are choosing to have acquaintances but few close friends.
Moreover, for many people who are married, their best friend was their mate.
So, when faced with a marriage breakup, it will do wonders for you to reconnect with an old friend so that you have someone to talk to about what you are going through.
If you are not able to access your old friends, consider hiring a therapist.
The point is: you need someone with whom you can share the roller coaster ride of turbulence in your marriage.
Way #5: Consider making things work again: Even when a breakup seem inevitable or has already occurred in your life, it may not be too late to help things work out again between you.
If you believe that the spark of love for each other may yet be alive in your hearts, consider doing whatever it takes to get the right advice to make your marriage a successful one again.
When facing a marriage breakup, you need to do whatever you can to keep your sanity.
Whether you are headed for a permanent split or whether there is hope that you will stay together, follow these steps to maintain your mental and physical well-being.
You will thank yourself later.
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