When you make excuses it can say so many things about you.
Things I would say are not enduring, It tells me you are not committed to what you said you would do.
There was something more important that came along so you decided to do that instead.
Perhaps you are faced with the fear of failure or you do not want to feel the rejection.
In short you are living in the blame game.
You chose to externalize your actions.
You foolishly believe it's somebody else's fault.
In a real life experience, I was in a meeting with a Head Hunter where I was asked why I was recently fired from the high level position I held with a large corporation.
I told the interviewer that I blew it.
I said I had made the wrong political move.
The interviewer looked at me puzzled and said" How interesting.
Most people would have blamed someone else or externalized the situation.
"That's the way that I saw the situation.
We all make wrong decisions and mistakes in our lives.
For heavens sake own up to it.
Find out what you learned from this? The best thing to do is create a clean slate and move on.
I believe that answers do not appear on their own.
Answers only come after you ask a question.
This is true even if you are problem solving on our own.
When you have made an excuse you better have a real good reason because somewhere along the line, someone is going to ask you the question.
Why? What happened? Some of my most favorite sayings and quotes come from Mark Twain.
This one pretty much sums it up.
" If you tell the truth you do not have to remember anything.
"Consider the notion that being dishonest is hard work.
You constantly have to remember what you said.
Channel your energies to something positive.
As odd as this may sound, I believe that owning up to the truth, as hard as it may seem will bring your respect.
Excuses hang out with procrastinators.
Procrastinators always seem to have a reason not to get it done.
If your procrastinating, I recommend you search for the reason why.
Procrastination is predicated on fear of the unknown and the inability to deliver on what you said you could do.
For many of you and especially sales people, it's the fear of rejection.
The easy stuff and the fun stuff seem to get scratched off the to do list with ease.
I recommend you do the hard stuff first.
You will find the balance of the day will breeze by with ease.
I suggest you plan your day this way and there be no need for excuses.
To be truly successful in any aspect of life, we must have sound plans to move forward.
When you take ownership of your actions you have removed guilt from the situation.
Making excuses is easy.
Success can be easy to if you are committed to your master plan and goals.
Mistakes just become bumps in the road.
No need to blame anyone else when you hit a bump because you are the one with your hands firmly on the wheel.
When you make excuses you are not in control of your situation.
To be fully in control is when we take ownership of your actions.
Things I would say are not enduring, It tells me you are not committed to what you said you would do.
There was something more important that came along so you decided to do that instead.
Perhaps you are faced with the fear of failure or you do not want to feel the rejection.
In short you are living in the blame game.
You chose to externalize your actions.
You foolishly believe it's somebody else's fault.
In a real life experience, I was in a meeting with a Head Hunter where I was asked why I was recently fired from the high level position I held with a large corporation.
I told the interviewer that I blew it.
I said I had made the wrong political move.
The interviewer looked at me puzzled and said" How interesting.
Most people would have blamed someone else or externalized the situation.
"That's the way that I saw the situation.
We all make wrong decisions and mistakes in our lives.
For heavens sake own up to it.
Find out what you learned from this? The best thing to do is create a clean slate and move on.
I believe that answers do not appear on their own.
Answers only come after you ask a question.
This is true even if you are problem solving on our own.
When you have made an excuse you better have a real good reason because somewhere along the line, someone is going to ask you the question.
Why? What happened? Some of my most favorite sayings and quotes come from Mark Twain.
This one pretty much sums it up.
" If you tell the truth you do not have to remember anything.
"Consider the notion that being dishonest is hard work.
You constantly have to remember what you said.
Channel your energies to something positive.
As odd as this may sound, I believe that owning up to the truth, as hard as it may seem will bring your respect.
Excuses hang out with procrastinators.
Procrastinators always seem to have a reason not to get it done.
If your procrastinating, I recommend you search for the reason why.
Procrastination is predicated on fear of the unknown and the inability to deliver on what you said you could do.
For many of you and especially sales people, it's the fear of rejection.
The easy stuff and the fun stuff seem to get scratched off the to do list with ease.
I recommend you do the hard stuff first.
You will find the balance of the day will breeze by with ease.
I suggest you plan your day this way and there be no need for excuses.
To be truly successful in any aspect of life, we must have sound plans to move forward.
When you take ownership of your actions you have removed guilt from the situation.
Making excuses is easy.
Success can be easy to if you are committed to your master plan and goals.
Mistakes just become bumps in the road.
No need to blame anyone else when you hit a bump because you are the one with your hands firmly on the wheel.
When you make excuses you are not in control of your situation.
To be fully in control is when we take ownership of your actions.