Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Inspiration, What is it and What is it Good For?

Inspiration ...
What is it? Where does it come from and what is it good for? Inspiration is defined in the dictionary as; Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.
Divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.
Have you ever wondered much about inspiration? Inspiration is a gift that has a potentially infinite number of purposes.
It helps us improve our situation or solve a problem we're facing.
Perhaps we've been working on a solution to issue.
The answer can come to us in a sudden insight of wisdom, in a classic "AHA" moment.
I believe it's when our conscious mind and subconscious mind are in alignment with the ultimate Universal Mind, the very Mind of God.
In these moments we gain the complete answer to seemingly super complex issues in one instant.
Have you had that "AHA" moment recently? During these inspirations we feel exuberant,joyful and connected to the world.
Sometimes we even feel like electricity is flowing through us and we get Goosebumps.
The other purpose of Inspiration is the type that's not meant for us personally but, is meant for others.
It's meant for someone else to receive through us.
In this case, the inspiration we receive is a gift and the insights we get are not for us to keep or hold onto.
They are gifts entrusted to us for delivery to others.
You may be asking "Why was the inspiration given to me?" Consider what talents, gifts and resources you have that will enable it to be delivered.
Have you just learned a new skill?Are you learning new methods and techniques you can apply to get this inspiration out? You may be also be wondering, "How do I know if it is for me or for someone else"? That is a great question and the answer is simple...
we don't really know for whom it is intended.
We don't need to know that.
I believe our part in this is to deliver the information through our normal channels, using what we have at the moment.
One of the benefits is that you will grow in some way when delivering the gift.
This is a beautiful aspect of inspiration.
Considering the inspiration is derived from an infinite source; it is reasonable to think that everyone who touches it on the way will increase and receive benefits.
So, Inspiration is a gift either for you to solve something you are working on or, it is for you to get to someone else.
Whichever way it works out to be, you will increase and become more as a result.
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