Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Seduce a Man - These Three Tips Will Get Him Wound Up

Whether you are looking to seduce your boyfriend or you are trying to seduce a guy you have had your eyes on for some time and you just cannot stand the fact that you have yet to win him over, then this article will help you out.
Seducing a man is not the hardest thing to do in the world, but there are better ways than others to go about trying to get him wound up and hot for you.
Seduction is not nearly as mysterious as it seems.
When you know how to seduce a guy, then you will be confident that no matter what, you can end up with him wanting only you.
Not such a bad thing, is it? Here's a few tips on how to seduce a man and get him wound up in a good way: 1) Talk dirty to him.
Here's the thing about talking dirty to a guy.
Some will like it really dirty and risque, but many won't.
If you come across as too "dirty," it can be a turn off, or it can make him think that all you want is casual sex and nothing more than that.
When you talk dirty to a guy, you want to start off really slow.
Be subtle, use things that sound dirty, but don't come right out as being sexual.
The more vague you are, the more you get his imagination involved.
That's a good thing.
As you can see him starting to get wound up, increase the dirty talk just a little bit more.
2) Touch him where he seldom gets touched.
There are certain areas on a man's body that only get touched by a woman he's involved with.
And maybe himself as well.
Those are the areas that you want to concentrate on.
You don't have to go right for the private areas, though.
Touch his chest, his shoulders, wrap your hands around his stomach.
These are all areas that don't get touched by anyone else other than a woman he is intimate with.
3) Move in to kiss him and then pull back at the last second.
You want to get him really wound up? After touching him a little bit, move in for a kiss nice and slow...
and then pull back.
Tease him so that he wants that kiss more than anything else.
Do this and you can bet that he will want to do anything that he has to in order to feel your lips against his.
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