Health & Medical Self-Improvement

5 New Year Resolutions That Can All Be Accomplished Just By Making 1 Resolution

With the start of a New Year, many people like to better themselves and often make a resolution for change. There is 1 resolution, however, that will change your life for the better thereby satisfying 5 other resolutions. The change is so amazing that you will notice a difference in both the professional and personal sides of your life.

Perhaps this is the year you would like to:

  • reduce the amount of stress in your life;
  • get more exercise;
  • lose some weight;
  • get more sleep;
  • live a healthier lifestyle.

  • By making and keeping just one New Year's resolution, however, you can accomplish all 5 of these goals and it will not require drugs to make it happen! In fact, this one resolution is free and will take very little effort. You will feel better; you will look better; and, you will have more energy.

    It is called breathing - more specifically, breathing with the support of your diaphragm. I know; I know. Right now your response is that you are breathing. My answer is that you may be breathing but you are probably not breathing correctly - along with 99% of the world's population. Mankind is renowned for being lazy or shallow breathers. It is a medical fact.

    When you learn to use your diaphragm to support your air supply, you will discover an immediate release of tension or stress. The reason is because diaphragmatic breathing allows your body to rid itself of toxins that shallow or lazy breathing is unable to do. In fact, shallow breathing actually increases your stress.

    When you are able to relieve your stress, you will discover more time, energy, and the motivation to exercise. If your goal is to lose weight, the next time you have an urge to snack, try breathing and drinking a glass of water. When you are eating a full meal, chew your food slowly and breathe during the process. Then get up from the table feeling like you could eat more.

    If your goal is to get more exercise, try breathing while you are working work. You will notice greater endurance and longer staying power. When you discover the amazing benefits of concentrating on your breathing while working out, you will likely want to do it more often.

    Many people suffer from too little sleep, the inability to fall asleep quickly, or the interruption of their sleep. Once you learn to breathe with support, you will notice an immediate change in that respect. I can't tell you how many of my clients are not only falling asleep faster but sleeping more soundly as well.

    While you will need to make diaphragmatic breathing a habit in order to reap its many, many benefits, there is nothing physical that you can do in your life that will have a greater impact on your health and your success than learning to breathe properly. It is simple; it is basic; it is normal; and, it is incredibly rewarding.
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