- 1). Fill a 5-gallon bucket with a solution of one part bleach to five parts water in an outdoor or well-ventilated area. Wear a mask to protect yourself from the bleach fumes.
- 2). Place the jacket in the water and use the tongs to swirl the jacket around in the bleach solution. Watch the jacket carefully and observe the color change; remove the jacket when you achieve your desired color. The fabric begins to lighten after two minutes. Do not leave the jacket in the bleach solution for longer than 10 minutes since it is a corrosive chemical and may damage fabrics. To create a patterned look rather than a solid color, cut out and place fabric shapes, such as a flowers or leaves, on the jacket and spray with bleach. The fabric beneath the cut-outs will remain the original color while the exposed fabric is lightened.
- 3). Experiment with stronger bleach solutions if you desire a more dramatic change. Increase the concentration of bleach incrementally, but do not exceed a solution of half water and half bleach.
- 4). Rinse the jacket in water and soak it in a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide to 10 parts water to neutralize the corrosive action of the bleach. Leave the jacket in the solution for 10 minutes.
- 5). Wash the jacket in the washing machine using warm, soapy water.