Do you find yourself still thinking "I still love my ex"? If you do it is time to figure out what you want to do about it.
It is natural to still have love for your ex if you were together for a while.
As a couple you shared many special memories and got close to one another.
This is not easy to forget.
So when you say "I still love my ex" what are you saying? When you say that you still love your ex are you saying that you want your ex back or is there still some lingering love in your thoughts of your ex? You were once in love and that is not something that can be easily taken away.
Just because you have love towards your ex does not mean that you are going to get back together.
You need to take a close look at your feelings and decide what it is that you want.
After some careful evaluation of your feelings and you decide that your love is just a lingering feeling you have left then do nothing.
Your relationship with your ex will either slowly drift away or you will remain good friends.
If you decide that saying"I still love my ex" is an emotion stemming from wanting your ex back then you have some work to do.
You should talk to your ex and see if there is any chance of getting back together.
Don't just drop the bomb and scare your ex away but go with the flow and see how things go.
You will be able to tell if the feeling is mutual.
If the two of you decide you want to get back together then the only work left to do is keeping your relationship together this time.
At this point you are going to have to work through the issues that split you two up in the first place.
You should seek advice or counseling especially if there are children involved.
You do not want to continue the cycle of breaking up and getting back together.
You need to seek advice from somebody that is trained to build your relationship together stronger than ever.
The two of you need to start fresh and make the relationship stronger.
So if you are finding yourself saying "Help I still love my ex" let things take their natural path and see where it leads and then get help to make your relationship stronger.
Before long you will be saying "I am in love" instead of "I still love my ex.
It is natural to still have love for your ex if you were together for a while.
As a couple you shared many special memories and got close to one another.
This is not easy to forget.
So when you say "I still love my ex" what are you saying? When you say that you still love your ex are you saying that you want your ex back or is there still some lingering love in your thoughts of your ex? You were once in love and that is not something that can be easily taken away.
Just because you have love towards your ex does not mean that you are going to get back together.
You need to take a close look at your feelings and decide what it is that you want.
After some careful evaluation of your feelings and you decide that your love is just a lingering feeling you have left then do nothing.
Your relationship with your ex will either slowly drift away or you will remain good friends.
If you decide that saying"I still love my ex" is an emotion stemming from wanting your ex back then you have some work to do.
You should talk to your ex and see if there is any chance of getting back together.
Don't just drop the bomb and scare your ex away but go with the flow and see how things go.
You will be able to tell if the feeling is mutual.
If the two of you decide you want to get back together then the only work left to do is keeping your relationship together this time.
At this point you are going to have to work through the issues that split you two up in the first place.
You should seek advice or counseling especially if there are children involved.
You do not want to continue the cycle of breaking up and getting back together.
You need to seek advice from somebody that is trained to build your relationship together stronger than ever.
The two of you need to start fresh and make the relationship stronger.
So if you are finding yourself saying "Help I still love my ex" let things take their natural path and see where it leads and then get help to make your relationship stronger.
Before long you will be saying "I am in love" instead of "I still love my ex.