Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

No Pain No Gain - Is This True or A Hearsay?

In life we will never appreciate the good times if we do not go through pain. Life is only made possible by sacrifice by enlarge. If everyone was in a cocktail of happiness and content all the time then we would never have anything to savour in life. The good times would become mundane. And how would we know what were the good times if it was always good?

Some of the greatest love stories in films, musicals and songs would never have been written. This would be due to the fact that no-one would have suffered these hardships and would therefore not have written them. And this would have robbed us of some of the greatest stories of our time. Their suffering became our enjoyment and that is something we should savour and thank for.

So if you have suffered a bad break up or maybe you have been cheated on and you don't know what to do. Just put it down to another chapter in your life. Put it down to the fact that it will help you rise from the ashes and enjoy the good times even more than you did. Plus everyone loves an uprising. A resurgent story. It makes the character more likeable and more resilient.

The phoenix rising from the ashes is how you must look at these things in life. Painful that they are, they will stand you in good stead for the life and path in front of you. Just think about the way in which someone hurt you, and don't look upon it with bitterness and pain. Instead graze over it as a memoir of redemption and renewal that you can use as a catalyst to greater things.

After all there is always the saying; it is not what knocks you down that say most about you. But how you get back up from them things that get you down in life. And this statement is never truer than in love and dating. It is not what happened to get you down. But how you brought yourself back up to get back on the bandwagon again.

You need another conquest. Another way in which to get yourself out there and up for the thrills of love again. It can and will happen and just use that sour note in your memoirs to get over any obstacle you come up against. Never let yourself feel like that again and you never will.

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