How keen is your memory? Do you trust it over what is written on the Internet? If so, why not test the Internet and your memory at the same time? One of the best ways I've found to test my memory in the areas, and industries I know best is to go on WikiPedia, and look at the information that is listed and check it for errors based on what I know.
It isn't hard to find mistakes on that website, because it is created with user content and editing.
You will find mistakes if you look for them, but you have to have a pretty good memory with a lots of facts and figures to even know what to look for.
This is one way to challenge your memory by testing the Internet.
Of course, the other way is to allow the Internet to test you.
As an author, I often write something and then use the Internet to check to make sure what I have written is correct.
In checking sources you are also checking your memory.
When you find that you've made a mistake, sometimes you have to check multiple places on the Internet to make sure that it is actually you that made the mistake and not the information on the Internet.
Today, many people don't even bother memorizing facts and figures in history, or statistics in their industry, because they can always look them up on the Internet.
But this defeats the purpose of human memory, which is a very valuable tool that will help you in life.
I always find it fascinating to talk with someone at a coffee shop about various things, to see how well developed their memory is.
What I find is that many people who are younger don't bother to memorize anything, and whereas, they might argue why worry about it? The true answer is people are not plugged into the Internet every second of the day, yet.
And therefore human memory still does matter, and it matters very much.
Please consider all this.
It isn't hard to find mistakes on that website, because it is created with user content and editing.
You will find mistakes if you look for them, but you have to have a pretty good memory with a lots of facts and figures to even know what to look for.
This is one way to challenge your memory by testing the Internet.
Of course, the other way is to allow the Internet to test you.
As an author, I often write something and then use the Internet to check to make sure what I have written is correct.
In checking sources you are also checking your memory.
When you find that you've made a mistake, sometimes you have to check multiple places on the Internet to make sure that it is actually you that made the mistake and not the information on the Internet.
Today, many people don't even bother memorizing facts and figures in history, or statistics in their industry, because they can always look them up on the Internet.
But this defeats the purpose of human memory, which is a very valuable tool that will help you in life.
I always find it fascinating to talk with someone at a coffee shop about various things, to see how well developed their memory is.
What I find is that many people who are younger don't bother to memorize anything, and whereas, they might argue why worry about it? The true answer is people are not plugged into the Internet every second of the day, yet.
And therefore human memory still does matter, and it matters very much.
Please consider all this.