Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How To Deal With A Cross Cultural Relationship

The quest to answer "how can I find true love" is often made colorful - and challenging - by differences brought about by spiritual belief, political orientation, and divergent culture. These dissimilarities definitely spice up the process of finding a soulmate and expand each partner's world view, but if not handled properly, they could lead to disastrous endings. How do you make sure that dating expats, who you may have a lot of uncommon denominator, will not divide the house? The following tips should give you some idea on where to begin towards a fruitful journey to answer your question "how can I find true love" and how to deal with a cross cultural relationship:

Lend each other unwavering support. Moving to a new country is definitely an exciting beginning, but it could also be fraught with worry about not being able to adjust well. Homesickness is an understandable emotional low for the migrant spouse. The resident spouse should provide constant assurance and timely presence during low moments, because that would go a long way to ease up the ache of being home away from home;

Respect boundaries. Dating expats and marrying them is like dating people of the same background. Intra-cultural marriages that take place despite disparate familial backgrounds thrive because each spouse agrees to a compromise. The same is true with cultural gaps that need to be spanned by marriage. Respecting the belief systems that each one brought into the relationship is part of the process as you answer the question "will I find love." Seriously discuss which of your cultural mores and traditions will be carried over into the next generation. Your quest on "how can I find true love" should not be hindered by cultural obstacles;

Embrace the variety and bask in your new environment. Leaving home means that you are now free to take in everything that a new culture has to offer - language, cuisine, tourist spots, and entertainment like music, TV and movies. There is also fashion, politics and religion, and they are often enough to make one's experiences in a foreign land less dreary;

Plan well. Given the cultural differences your marriage is built on, you have to be clear about who stays home and takes care of the kids, and who goes out to work to earn dough. These practices often differ from culture to culture, so be black-and-white about it. By extension, the same can be said about who is going to impose discipline, and what religious beliefs should the child be brought up in. It is important that spouses are clear in these areas, because these are hotly contested grounds for separation.
Culture should never be an issue when answering the question "how can I find true love." Finding a soulmate transcends boundaries. Those boundaries are as minor as personality, or as major as nationality. Nationality, and even personality, should never be a reason for two people to separate ways. Love is all about building bridges. Love spans distances, even if those distances are continents apart.

You can get more information on multi-cultural relationships and finding true love by visiting Be sure to take advantage of the 6 Day Free E-mail Mini-Course nd submit your name to be notified of the release of the mini e-book "Help! How Can I Find True Love?"
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