The Make Millions Idea Butterfly Syndrome (MMIB) Have you ever walked into a store or watched on TV in total shock as someone else had just stolen your idea? You sit in amazement and listen to a thief talk about the idea that you were going to make millions with, I have another question for you; how many times has this happened to you in the past? My guess is several times, so I have developed a theory about this phenomena, a study was done several years ago that suggested that each and every person will come up with at least 4-6 ideas in every stage of their life that will easily make then a multi-millionaire may times over.
(COL Sanders acted on his at 65) Now, here is my theory: we all have great ideas and any one could be the one that lays the golden egg, so you start planning the whole thing out in your mind and how it will benefit humanity and make you gazillions.
The idea (Which I like to equate to a butterfly) will stay with you for a period of time (butterflies sometimes like to stay with a flower a long time and some not so long) but you get all fired up and motivated about your butterfly (idea) and then! The butterfly moves on (Yes, it leaves a little bit of itself with you, but it moves on).
My firm belief is that "Nothing on earth can stop and ideas time that has come "NOTHING" can or will keep it from coming into the light".
Over the years I have heard 100's of excellent MMIB's (I haven't told anyone your secrets either), and one friend told me he was not going to tell me his MMIB because I might steal (He did tell me by the way), chances are very good that that butterfly will leave him soon in search of another flower to rest on...
I do not mean to cut these short, but I do want to wet your appetite and share as much of what I have learned over the years and maybe, just maybe help the next person reach their wanting.
Here is what I would love you to start doing; when you get one of those MMIB's grab a pen and paper and write it down, play with, flip it, whip it and build it.
Just call it your MMIB notebook, and after a few months you will be surprised at what you have listed, and just maybe one of those ideas will be the one that makes every dream you ever had come true...
Have a super week, James One hundred percent of the shots you don't take don't go in.
- Wayne Gretzky
(COL Sanders acted on his at 65) Now, here is my theory: we all have great ideas and any one could be the one that lays the golden egg, so you start planning the whole thing out in your mind and how it will benefit humanity and make you gazillions.
The idea (Which I like to equate to a butterfly) will stay with you for a period of time (butterflies sometimes like to stay with a flower a long time and some not so long) but you get all fired up and motivated about your butterfly (idea) and then! The butterfly moves on (Yes, it leaves a little bit of itself with you, but it moves on).
My firm belief is that "Nothing on earth can stop and ideas time that has come "NOTHING" can or will keep it from coming into the light".
Over the years I have heard 100's of excellent MMIB's (I haven't told anyone your secrets either), and one friend told me he was not going to tell me his MMIB because I might steal (He did tell me by the way), chances are very good that that butterfly will leave him soon in search of another flower to rest on...
I do not mean to cut these short, but I do want to wet your appetite and share as much of what I have learned over the years and maybe, just maybe help the next person reach their wanting.
Here is what I would love you to start doing; when you get one of those MMIB's grab a pen and paper and write it down, play with, flip it, whip it and build it.
Just call it your MMIB notebook, and after a few months you will be surprised at what you have listed, and just maybe one of those ideas will be the one that makes every dream you ever had come true...
Have a super week, James One hundred percent of the shots you don't take don't go in.
- Wayne Gretzky