Top 10 Dating Golden Bibles
You think about him all day. You're blank calling her house just to hear her voice.
You smiled at him the other day and he smiled back! You caught her checking you out when she thought you weren't looking. You know what you've got you've got a crush! This is going to be good fun once you get past being really nervous and dorky and by the end of it, you may have someone to date. What you have to do first is know that he/she likes you too. Then you get to spend time together and find out what likes and hates you have. This is the most fun bit. You get a sort of new friend, only someone of the opposite sex who may one day date you. The only problem is, it's really difficult to act natural and cool when we really like someone and are afraid of sounding stupid. Let me tell you how to get from having a crush to Dating them.
1) Start big: In a group that is. What you need to do is gently zero in on your crush and start a one-to-one conversation. Talk to them about something you know they find interesting, a movie or a song. People love talking about themselves usually. And your crush will feel really flattered if you ask a question that doesn't require a simple "yes" or "no" answer. This way, every time you think you're running out of conversation, you could ask a question that gets you guys talking for hours and you will learn a lot about them that way too.
2) Eye Contact: Now don't go fudge it up by having a staring contest! And if you're shy this is going to take a little effort but think about your favourite music video. Chances are it looks like the pop star is looking straight into your eyes every time they sing, and man, that feels really good. It makes you look interested and sincere not to mention breaking the ice. Oh and smile once in a way at the right time. Smile at the wrong time and your crush is going to think you're a bit loop-da-loop.
3) Get to know their buddies: You're known by the friends you have. This is true. So get to know your crush's friends. The bonus is you'll have a whole new bunch of people to hang with and you'll get to see your crush in their natural environment, i.e. when they're comfortable and are having a good time. Chances are, if they like you and you like them, you'll have one more situation to spend time with that special someone.
4) Hobby check: Figuring out what hobbies your crush has is good for two things. One, if his hobby involved killing small, furry animals, you can really tell what kind of person he is. On the other hand, if you get involved or already share the same hobby, whether it's sport or obscure music or killing small, furry animals, it's bound to start some great conversations.
5) Inviting them over: Tell your crush you'd like to watch a video at home with them. You can pay your parents to go out for dinner, or tell them to stay out of the living room for the evening. This way your parents get to meet your potential date, and you get some privacy in the comfort of your own home. Rent a scary movie it gives you a good excuse to get up close and personal.
6) E-mail it baby!: E-mail conversations are great. It's so much easier to be romantic when you're not staring someone face to face. E-mail is good cos you can really think it through if you're writing them a serious letter, or you can just dash off something quick, clever and flirty. Don't get too personal early on though e-mail gets passed around. And be honest on the net and in person. That way, you won't be taking your romance out of real life back into the limbo of the World Wide Web.
7) Talk about yourself: Tell your boy/girlfriend what you are like. Let them in on your hobbies, friends, likes, dislikes, and all of that. All of these tips focus on learning what the other person is like... well, there's another side to that. Part of getting to know someone is letting them know you in return. It's important that you both open up a little at a time. There's no big rush, but the old saying is right... it takes two to tango. And soon, you'll be dancing cheek-to-cheek.
Vist Moojo Dating for more Online Dating advices and Top 10 Dating Golden Bibles
You think about him all day. You're blank calling her house just to hear her voice.
You smiled at him the other day and he smiled back! You caught her checking you out when she thought you weren't looking. You know what you've got you've got a crush! This is going to be good fun once you get past being really nervous and dorky and by the end of it, you may have someone to date. What you have to do first is know that he/she likes you too. Then you get to spend time together and find out what likes and hates you have. This is the most fun bit. You get a sort of new friend, only someone of the opposite sex who may one day date you. The only problem is, it's really difficult to act natural and cool when we really like someone and are afraid of sounding stupid. Let me tell you how to get from having a crush to Dating them.
1) Start big: In a group that is. What you need to do is gently zero in on your crush and start a one-to-one conversation. Talk to them about something you know they find interesting, a movie or a song. People love talking about themselves usually. And your crush will feel really flattered if you ask a question that doesn't require a simple "yes" or "no" answer. This way, every time you think you're running out of conversation, you could ask a question that gets you guys talking for hours and you will learn a lot about them that way too.
2) Eye Contact: Now don't go fudge it up by having a staring contest! And if you're shy this is going to take a little effort but think about your favourite music video. Chances are it looks like the pop star is looking straight into your eyes every time they sing, and man, that feels really good. It makes you look interested and sincere not to mention breaking the ice. Oh and smile once in a way at the right time. Smile at the wrong time and your crush is going to think you're a bit loop-da-loop.
3) Get to know their buddies: You're known by the friends you have. This is true. So get to know your crush's friends. The bonus is you'll have a whole new bunch of people to hang with and you'll get to see your crush in their natural environment, i.e. when they're comfortable and are having a good time. Chances are, if they like you and you like them, you'll have one more situation to spend time with that special someone.
4) Hobby check: Figuring out what hobbies your crush has is good for two things. One, if his hobby involved killing small, furry animals, you can really tell what kind of person he is. On the other hand, if you get involved or already share the same hobby, whether it's sport or obscure music or killing small, furry animals, it's bound to start some great conversations.
5) Inviting them over: Tell your crush you'd like to watch a video at home with them. You can pay your parents to go out for dinner, or tell them to stay out of the living room for the evening. This way your parents get to meet your potential date, and you get some privacy in the comfort of your own home. Rent a scary movie it gives you a good excuse to get up close and personal.
6) E-mail it baby!: E-mail conversations are great. It's so much easier to be romantic when you're not staring someone face to face. E-mail is good cos you can really think it through if you're writing them a serious letter, or you can just dash off something quick, clever and flirty. Don't get too personal early on though e-mail gets passed around. And be honest on the net and in person. That way, you won't be taking your romance out of real life back into the limbo of the World Wide Web.
7) Talk about yourself: Tell your boy/girlfriend what you are like. Let them in on your hobbies, friends, likes, dislikes, and all of that. All of these tips focus on learning what the other person is like... well, there's another side to that. Part of getting to know someone is letting them know you in return. It's important that you both open up a little at a time. There's no big rush, but the old saying is right... it takes two to tango. And soon, you'll be dancing cheek-to-cheek.
Vist Moojo Dating for more Online Dating advices and Top 10 Dating Golden Bibles