- Wet saws are similar to normal electrical saws, but they use special diamond blades that are designed to cut smoothly through tough tiles without cracking them or ruining their shape. The abrasion between the diamond blade and the tile creates a large amount of heat, which can ruin the tile and the saw unless the blade is cooled. Typically, these types of saws use water from a trough that continuously feeds a circling stream of water around the site where the tile is being cut.
- Vinyl and other plastic tiles do not need to be cut with a diamond saw. Ceramic tiles are made out of clay and can be cut with a diamond saw, but clippers and other tools may also be used on clay tiles. Harder types of ceramic tiles, such as porcelain, are usually cut with diamond wet saws to make smoother, finer cuts. Finally, stone tiles such as granite or marble are almost always cut with a wet saw.
- The shape and size of the diamond saw blade can vary, as can the cutting bed. Some beds can tilt and be adjusted to allow for easier cuts. Some wet saws are handheld, as well, but this requires an outside stream of water and it is more common for the saw to be on a table.
- Although the blades of diamond saws are very tough, they do wear down and eventually need to be replaced. While the saw is being used, the grit from cutting the tile will circulate in the water, slowing it down and making it less effective at cooling the saw. When the water becomes dirty, it must be replaced in order for the saw to function correctly.
- Wet saws are effective at cutting stone-based tile, but they can be dangerous and should be used by someone who at least has experience in using regular saws. Users should always wear gloves to protect their hands and goggles for their face. Face masks will also help you avoid breathing in any dust that the water does not dampen down.
Wet Saws
Applicable Tiles